MLHS recognizes the fine arts

‘Where hand, head and heart go together’ – paraphrased from John Ruskin



fine artsMountain Lake Public High School (MLHS) recognized the the contributions of fine arts to a school curriculum with a Fine Arts Awards Reception on Sunday afternoon, May 3, “backstage” in the school’s auditorium. Honored were students who participated this past school year in music, drama and speech – including letter winners, solo and ensemble award recipients and this year’s seniors.

Distributing the awards were Kurt Jahnke, director of bands; Andrea Brinkman, director of choirs; Julie Brugman and Crystal Fast, drama production directors and Brugman also presented recognition to speech participants for Alisa Nickel, speech coach.

An ice cream reception followed the awards distribution.

In addition, a number of students shared their “superior” instrumental and/or vocal numbers presented at the Solo/Ensemble Contest held on Saturday, May 2, at Jackson County Central Public High School.

Following is a photo gallery from the afternoon reception:



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DIRECTOR OF BANDS at MLHS presented a pair of Senior Music Awards at the reception. At left is Levi Jahnke, who received the John Philip Sousa Award and at right is Ben Grev, who was presented the Patrick Gilmore Band Award. The John Philip Sousa Award was created and introduced in 1955 with the approval of Helen Sousa Albert and Priscilla Sousa, daughters of the famous composer and bandmaster. It recognizes superior musicianship, leadership, dependability, loyalty and cooperation. The Patrick S. Gilmore Band Award was introduced in 1994 in honor of the legendary bandmaster and impresario, Patrick Gilmore. Gilmore and his band joined General Burnside’s expedition to North Carolina in the Civil War. Gilmore also played for every president of his day – including Abraham Lincoln. This award honors outstanding high school band students and their achievements, leadership and commitment to the band.


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DRAMA DIRECTOR FOR the fall musicl and one-act play, Julie Brugman, presented a series of awards for outstanding drama performances over the course of the past school year, assisted by Crystal Fast, assistant director for the one-act play. From left, Ethan Karschnik, Outstanding Performance by an Actor in the One-Act Play, Blues; Ben Grev, Best Actor; Lydia Hildebrandt, Best Actress; Carmen Syverson, Outstanding Performance by an Actress in the One-Act Play, Blues and Sam Grev, Outstanding Performance by an Actor in the Fall Musical, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. Not pictured is Olivia Hopwood, Outstanding Performance by an Actress in the Fall Musical, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.


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DANIEL HARDER RECEIVED a superior rating for his clarinet solo at the Solo/Ensemble Contest held on Saturday, May 2 at Jackson County Central and presented the selection at the Fine Arts Awards Reception on Sunday afternoon, May 3.


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BEN GREV SHARED his superior-rated trumpet solo. Grev also received superior awards for his vocal solo and as a member of a men’s vocal ensemble.


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EARNING A SUPERIOR rank for her vocal solo was Lily Kauffman, and she sang the selection at the reception. Kauffman also received a superior on her flute solo.


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THIS LADIES VOCAL Ensemble were presented with a rating of superior for their number. From left, Jareya Harder, Jenny Wright, Liana Blomgren, Chanah Brandt and Michaela Cate. Blomgren also received a superior rating with an instrumental performance, a trombone solo.


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MELLOW MUSIC FROM Sam Grev’s French horn earned the MLHS student a superior rating on his solo. He additionally was recognized with a superior on his vocal solo.


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SAM HIRSCH AND his smooth alto saxophone solo received a superior rating. Other MLHS musicians who earned superior ratings not previously mentioned included – Levi Jahnke with a perfect-score trumpet solo, Ruben Fentanez for a vocal solo and as a member of the men’s vocal ensemble, Sam Xayanourom as a member of the men’s vocal ensemble and the flute trio of Ashley Watkins, Carly Paulson and Caitlin Oeltjenbruns.


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