Heppner’s Point fishing pier repair gets go-ahead
A discussion on a Mountain Lake swimming pool dominated the Tuesday, April 21, 2015 Mountain Lake City Council meeting; a joint meeting with Mountain Lake Public School Board members Tom Fast, Board Treasurer Pam Hoek, Chad Petersen, Board Chair Doug Standerwick, Board Vice-Chair Tim Swoboda and Superintendent of Schools Bill Strom.
Also on hand was Tom Schaffer of USAquatics.
Public school pool reports, prepared by four organizations, including USAquatics, were reviewed. USAquatics’ Schaffer discussed the report prepared by his compnay.
Discussion between the city council and public school board focused on the school’s indoor pool – its current status and its future. Another topic touched upon was the possible construction of a new indoor or outdoor pool, with ownership by either the public school district, the city – or both. Additional discussion was on future city and public school district construction projects.
A new pool feasibility study by USAquatics, completed at a cost of $8,500, would determine the best location, size, amenities necessary, service area and cost.
Schaffer noted that an outdoor pool would lose in the range of $20,000-$30,000 a year.
Currently the city makes a $15,000 annual contribution to the public school to help offset pool losses.
Tammy Omdal of Northland Securities, the city’s bonding and financial advisor, shared with members from both governing boards the bond payments and property tax impacts for $1 million and $2 million projects. The annual bond payment for a 20-year, $2 million bond is approximately $140,000.
The city’s final bond payment of $75,000 for the City Hall building is scheduled to be made in 2018. Following 2018, that amount could be redirected to pool payments.
Key to such a project is a resident support, discussion pointed out. A community survey and a pool referendum could follow the completion of a feasibility study.
Repairing Heppner’s Point fishing pier
Lake Commission Chair Jim Peterson was at the council meeting to discuss needed repairs to the fishing pier located at Heppner’s Point.
The 84′ pier is a joint project between the city and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR). If the pier is repaired, the Minnesota DNR pays for materials needed, while the city pays for, or provides, the necessary labor.
The Minnesota DNR has offered to replace the pier with the cost divided between the DNR and the city. For maintenance reasons, the Minnesota DNR limits pier length to 64′.
If the city wants to keep the pier at 84′, the decision facing the city council was one of two choices: pay for materials for the additional 20′ of repair work on the old pier – or the additional cost for 20′ of a new pier.
Because the pier is in good condition, the Lake Commission, according to its chair, Jim Peterson, recommended that the current pier be repaired, and the additional 20′ retained and replaced at a cost of approximately $600. According to Peterson, the decision on whether to hire such work done, or to use volunteer labor, had not yet been made.
The council elected to pay for the materials needed for the additional 20′ of repair work to the current pier, and to get labor quotes if necessary.
In other business
* Reviewed the quotes gathered by the Tree Commission on tree removal and awarded the work to Kolander Tree Service at a cost of $10,000, and accept the $400 offer for the wood.
* Reviewed the first reading of the draft ordinance amending city cemetery regulations, with no action taken.
* Accepted the resignation of Chuck Witt from the Mountain Lake Fire Department, effected 9/6/13.
* Learned that the flyer on the city-wide clean-up date this Saturday was included in the payable-in-Mary utility bills. Also learned that Cottonwood County Solid Water will be holding a recycling collection day for appliances electronics and television, tires, florescent light bulbs and household hazardous waste on Thursday, June 11, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at the City Street Shop.
* Heard from Rachel Yoder during the Public Forum with questions and comments on the intended locations of the Food Forest.