MLPS School Board ‘grounds’ FLY

Changes in staffing, coaching positions

The Mountain Lake Public School (MLPS) School Board unanimously came to the decision at its Monday, April 20 meeting to NOT apply to the Minnesota Department of Education for a FLY (Flexible Learning Year) 3.0 program for the 2017-2019 school years. The school district had participated in the FLY program over the past six years, along with 20-plus other area districts in southwestern Minnesota – the initial FLY for school years 2011-2013 and FLY 2.0 for years 2014-2016. Through this program, the school year began in August, two weeks before the Labor Day holiday. The primary focus for the early start was to give students a head start for state testing the following spring.

Staffing, coaching changes

The school board also addressed a number of staffing and coaching changes.

* Approved the resignations/retirements/nonrenewals for – Jane Birkholz (School Nurse), Tammy Watkins (Paraprofessional), Kevin Walzak (Head Boys/Girls Golf Coach), Mike Nelson (Head Boys/Girls Cross Country Coach) and Kim Haken (Title 1 Teacher).

* Approved the employment of – Chad Pedersen (Head Boys/Girls Golf Coach), Cheri Hanson (Head Volleyball Coach), Jaime Banks (Assistant Volleyball Coach), Tim Snyder (Summer School Teacher) and Linda Nesmoe, Lydia Wallert and Adam Blomgren (Summer Custodians).

* Approved the employment postings for – Licensed School Nurse, Paraprofessional and Boys/Girls Cross Country Head Coach.

In other business

* Heard a presentation on the condition of the track at Munson Field by Head Boys/Girls Track and Field Coach Paul Metcalf. Board members agreed that, when the school district has received pledges totaling $35,000 toward the total cost of repairing and resurfacing the track, the district will agree to contract with Midwest Tennis and Track to complete that project at a cost of $39,950, as per the August 18, 2014 agreement.

* Heard a presentation from the FFA Student Committee for the Elementary Playground, along with Lindsey Brown, FFA Advisor. High School FFA students have been working with the Mountain Lake Public Elementary School Student Council on plans to improve the playground.

* Approved an application to the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Education to transfer $7,500 from the Early Childhood Family Education fund to the Community Services Unassigned Fund Balance.

* Approved the MLHS Class of 2015 diploma candidates.

* Approved Southwest Service Cooperative (Blue Cross/Blue Shield) as the District Insurance Carrier for a two-year term.

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