Mountain Lake Community Men’s Chorus in annual concert
Tenors, baritones and basses – the deep voices in vocal music – were raised in inspirational song during the annual Mountain Lake Community Men’s Chorus concert, held Sunday afternoon, March 29, in Lakeview Gospel Church in Mountain Lake.
Following is a photo gallery from the Easter season event:
A VIEW OF the Mountain Lake Community Men’s Chorus in the setting of their Easter season concert on Palm Sunday afternoon – Sunday afternoon, March 29 – in the sanctuary of Lakeview Gospel Church.
FROM THE PERSPECTIVE of the audience, this photo shows the left side section of the chorus. From left, Brian Schultz, Joel Rahn, Lee Erickson, Gerald Rahn, Bryan Myers and Rick Quade.
THE MIDDLE GROUP of the chorus. Front, Eldon Quiring, left and Doug Regehr, right. Back, Pastor Merwin Dick, left and Hugh Long, right.
THE FINAL SECTION of the chorus. Front, Bill Baerg, left and Allen Baerg, right. Back, from left, Hugh Long, Jim Smith and Pastor Peter Kufahl.
ONE FINAL LOOK at the Mountain Lake Community Men’s Chorus in concert. Front, from left, Brian Schultz, Lee Erickson, Bryan Myers, Eldon Quiring, Doug Regehr, Bill Baerg and Allen Baerg. Back, from left, Joel Rahn, Gerald Rahn, Rick Quade, Pastor Merwin Dick, Hugh Long, Jim Smith and Pastor Peter Kufahl. At the piano accompanying the group is Michele Michelson. She also directed the singers.