MLPS School Board re-elects officers at January meeting

Schedules separate joint meetings with Mountain Lake City Council, Windom Public School Board

At the Monday, January 26 regular monthly meeting, members of the Mountain Lake Pubic School (MLPS) School Board, unanimously re-elected their list of officers.

These include:

* Board Chair Doug Standerwick.

* Board Vice-Chair Tim Swoboda.

* Clerk Julie Brugman.

* Treasurer Pam Hoek

School Board to meet with pair of area governing bodies

Board members also expressed interest in scheduling a joint meeting with a pair of area governing bodies. These include the Mountain Lake City Council, as well as the Windom Public School Board.

Each separate meeting will focus on a discussion of issues of common interest.

The joint meeting with the Mountain Lake City Council is slated for this Tuesday, February 3, in Mountain Lake City Hall. The council meeting begins at 6 p.m.; the joint meeting the third agenda item.

Board sends requests for proposals to interested architects 

The school board approved sending requests for proposals to interested architects who can assist the School District’s facilities planning efforts in a unanimous vote.

In other business

* Determined that the Flexible Learning Year (FLY) Plan and participation will be decided at the March 2015 meeting.

* Learned that Tom Appel, Agricultural Science and Life Science teacher for Mountain Lake Public Schools has issued a preliminary application of intent to retire.

* Appointed Matt Gohr, Julie Brugman and Chad Pedersen to lead the Negotiations Committee.

* Appointed Pam Hoek as the Tri-County Designee representative.

* Approved the hiring of Linda Nesmoe, Bryce Bregel, Doug Penner and Ashley Watkins for additional hours assisting the school’s custodial department.

* Approved the MLEA (Mountain Lake Education Association) seniority list (certified teachers) as presented.

* Approved the MLSEA (Mountain Lake School Employees Association) seniority list (non-certified staff) as presented.

* Approved the World’s Best Workforce as presented.

* Requested proposals for group insurance coverage for the health plan year beginning July 1, 2015, for Mountain Lake Public School.

* Approved 200 Policies as revised.

* Approved the Tri-County Designation Dissolution as presented.


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