Members also study 2015 grant for invasive aquatic plant management, control
Mountain Lake Economic Development Authority (EDA) Director Rob Anderson was at the Tuesday, January 6 meeting of the Mountain Lake City Council to review with its members the EDA’s 2014 Work Plan and accomplishments.
Highlighted by Anderson were:
* The sale and opening of Our Hometown Cafe by Jorge and Lori Puente.
* The Mountain Power Hydraulics and Milk Specialties Global expansions.
* The award of a Small Cities Development Program (SCDP) for housing.
* The $100,000 contribution of the EDA to the Utility’s Well #7 project as part of a SCDP grant.
* Lot sales and home construction in the Lakeview Estates addition.
* The need for a new industrial park.
Also noted by Anderson were the 37 jobs created in 2014.
Council members accepted and approved the plan.
Aquatic invasive species management, control for 2015
The Council additionally reviewed the applications for the invasive aquatic plant management permit and the aquatic invasive species control projects grant. The grant reimburses the the city for the costs of operating the weed harvester in Mountain Lake to remove curly pond leaf. The city applied to remove weeds for 100 acres in 2014, and plans to apply for the same amount in 2015.
Council members approved the submission of the grant application to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
In other business
* Appointed John Oeltjenbruns to the Lake Commission.
* Appointed Merv Rempel to the Housing Redevelopment Authority (HRA) Board.
* Heard from Rachel Yoder as an agenda item. Yoder briefly addressed the council and requested that details of her comments to the council during the Public Forum agenda time be included in the official minutes.
* Learned the Mountain Lake Public School Board will likely attend the Tuesday, February 3 city council meeting to discuss topics of interest to both governing bodies. The date will be finalized at the school board’s Monday, January 26 meeting.
* Discussed recent discussions with Mountain Lake City Administrator Wendy Meyer, as well as some council members, with a group interested in converting a church into a community center.
* Declared the Utility’s 1994 pick-up as surplus property and approved its advertised listing for sale.
* Waived the rental fee for the Mountain Lake Community Center for the local Boy Scouts for their Sunday, February 8 pancake brunch fundraiser to raise monies to attend Boys Scout Camp. Scouts Michael Watkins and Ethan Sykes addressed the council to request the fee waiver.
* Closed the public meeting and opened a closed meeting by attorney-client privilege in order to discuss the on-going Mountain Lake Trail litigation. Sixty-nine minutes later, the closed meeting was closed and the public meeting reopened, with no action taken by the council.