Friday, March 14, 2025

Yearly Archives: 2014

MLOOSC November 10-14 Gun Calendar winners

The Mountain Lake/Odin/Ormsby Sportsmen's Club (MLOOSC) recently posted the Monday, November 10 through Friday, November 14 Gun Calendar winners. They were as follows: 11/10/14 -  Jim...

Snow emergency in Mountain Lake starts at 12 a.m.

A Snow Emergency has been declared in the City of Mountain Lake, beginning at 12 a.m. Sunday morning. Vehicles must remain off the streets until...

Survivor: Snowstorm

National Weather Service releases necessities for Winter Survival Kit Yep. It appears winter has arrived in the Upper Midwest for a lengthy stay. During the winter...

Senior student signature series

* The 2014-2015 senior student signature series features area senior class students - and their own "signature" outlooks on a topic of their choice. A...

Bundling a Learning Toolkit

MLAF funds tools for a child's learning; distributed at Early Childhood Screening Clinic Preschoolers attending this fall's Mountain Lake Public School Early Childhood Screening Clinic...

FFA members converge on ‘Bluegrass State’ for 87th National Convention

Twenty-three members represent Mountain Lake Chapter in Louisville The 87th National FFA Convention was held in Louisville, Kentucky from Monday, October 27 to Saturday, November...

Hangin’ out at the Golden Arches

MLC staff raise funds during McTeacher's Night moonlighting Twelves Mountain Lake Christian (MLC) teachers and staff members were found hangin' out at the Golden Arches...

Father Charles Quinn

A Mass of Christian Burial for Father Charles J. Quinn, 80, of Sherburn, Minnesota will be at 11 a.m. on Saturday, November 15, 2014...

Reaching across the generations . . .

. . . To honor veterans for their military service, sacrifice Representatives from the Mountain Lake Public Elementary School (MLES) Student Council honored military veterans...

Semi/van accident on Highway #30

Neither driver seriously injured A 1999 Peterbilt semi, driven by 62-year-old Richard R. Thom of Comfrey and a 2000 Chevrolet Venture van, driven by Bonnie...

Spelling s-u-c-c-e-s-s

'The Twenty-Fifth Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee' is about the contest, the spellers -  plus sidebar stories    All of us have been there at one...

MLOOSC November 3-7 Gun Calendar winners

The Mountain Lake/Odin/Ormsby Sportsmen's Club (MLOOSC) recently posted the Monday, November 3 through Friday, November 7 Gun Calendar winners. They were as follows: 11/3/14 -  Darrell...

Heralding the holidays

Mountain Lake Christmas in the Park decorating gets start ahead of snow forecast Volunteers began decorating Mountain Lake City Park on Saturday, November 8 for...

Illa Mae Downs

Funeral services for Illa Mae Downs, 88, of St. James, Minnesota, will be held at 11 a.m. on Tuesday morning, November 21, 2014, at...

Andrew Wendler

Funeral services for 85-year-old Andrew Wendler of Springfield, Minnesota, will be held at 11 a.m. on Monday morning, November 10, 2014, at New Hope...

Request made for city to become passport site

General contractor for Well #7 given go ahead to proceed Current Cottonwood County Commissioner for District 5 John Oeltjenbruns addressed the Mountain Lake City Council...

Senior student signature series

* The 2014-2015 senior student signature series features area senior class students - and their own "signature" outlooks on a topic of their choice. A...

Donald R. Miller

Funeral services for 82-year-old Donald R. Miller of Windom, Minnesota, will be held at 10 a.m. on Saturday morning, November 8,  2014, at the...

Carol’s Cyberspace

 Fantasy island By Carol C. Harder Ten-year-old Phin Taylor could hardly wait. He was finally going to Ivy Island for the first time to see his "kingdom." Young...

The 2014 vote

Results following Tuesday, November 4 general election Here is a synopsis of the election results for local offices affecting voters in Mountain Lake, Butterfield, Odin,...