Friday, March 14, 2025

Yearly Archives: 2014

Two seasonal events in Mountain Lake this Saturday

Vendor Fair, Santa Claus become a part of Small Business Saturday This Saturday, November 29 - known as Small Business Saturday - Mountain Lake will...

Mountain Lake (does) Dance

Community Ed classes of Candice Bartel hold first-ever recital The first-ever Dance Recital of Mountain Lake Dance was held Saturday afternoon, November 22, in the...

School Board of MLPS to hold Truth and Taxation Hearing

The School Board of Mountain Lake Independent School District #173 will hold a public hearing on its current budget and on the amount of...

MLOOSC November 17-21 Gun Calendar winners

The Mountain Lake/Odin/Ormsby Sportsmen's Club (MLOOSC) recently posted the Monday, November 17 through Friday, November 21 Gun Calendar winners. They were as follows: 11/17/14 -  Larry...

Lakeview Gospel to host a ‘Singspiration’

The Lakeview Gospel Church of Mountain Lake will be hosting a "Singspiration" next Sunday evening, November 30, beginning at 7 p.m. Lakeview Gospel Church...

Windom Area Chordhustlers in Christmas Concert at Bethel

The Windom Area Chordhustlers (which feature several Mountain Lake and Buttefield area male singers) will be hosting  their annual Food Shelf Benefit Christmas Concert...

Small Business Saturday

Special events in Mountain Lake, Butterfield on November 29 focus on keeping it local     Small Business Saturday arrives this Saturday, November 29 - the first...

Bethel Church holiday faith event schedule

List covers Thanksgiving and Christmas special observances Thanksgiving Eve Service All families are invited to the Thanksgiving Eve Service in the church sanctuary on Wednesday, November...

Courting the K-Bowl

MLES 5th/6th grade students prep for eventual high school participation in extra-curricular academic activity Knowledge Bowl - or "K-Bowl" - to those familiar with the...

Safer passage

MnDOT installs Rural Intersection Conflict Warning System at Highway 60#/County Road #1 intersection at Mountain Lake The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) has provided for...

Senior student signature series

* The 2014-2015 senior student signature series features area senior class students - and their own "signature" outlooks on a topic of their choice. A...

Blood donation unique addition to traditional Thanksgiving cornucopia

Mountain Lake's American Red Cross Bloodmobile donors help save lives The American Red Cross Bloodmobile was in the Mountain Lake Community Center on Thursday, November...

Looking at the turkey from two different perspectives

MLC Acacia students meet and greet turkeys and poults, seniors can turkey meat at MCC meat canning Friday morning, November 14, was a morning for...

MnDOT will not use RCUTS at Bingham Lake intersections

Wider, traditional intersection-types will be built     According to Peter Harff, Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) Project Manager for the Highway #60 Four-Lane Project, MnDOT has...

Free after-school open swim next four Thursdays

The Friends of the Pool is sponsoring a series of after-school open swimming events at the Mountain Lake Public School's indoor swimming pool for...

MLHS Honor Society inducts 10 new members

Juniors, seniors are eligible for selection     On Monday, November 17, the Mountain Lake Public High School (MLHS) National Honor Society (NHS) held the annual dinner...

Henrietta Hulzebos

Funeral services for 91-year-old Henrietta Hulzebos of Mountain Lake, Minnesota, will be held at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday afternoon, November 20, 2014, in the...

One candle on the cake

Cross-Counties Connect set to celebrate one year since website's launch There will be one candle lit on the anniversary cake tomorrow (Tuesday, November 18), as...

Thanks for saving lives

American Red Cross Bloodmobile stop in Mountain Lake this Thursday For those who will or might need a blood transfusion during their lifetime, there is...

Word play

Putnam County's spelldown promotes o-r-t-h-o-g-r-a-p-h-y to the level of an art form   THE CAST AND crew of this fall's Mountain Lake Public High School musical,...