Friday, March 14, 2025

Yearly Archives: 2014

Kenneth, Rachel Yoder appealing District Court order related to Mountain Lake Trail

Dispute deals with interpretation, scope of Right-of-Way Easement Kenneth and Rachel Yoder are appealing to the Court of Appeals of the State of Minnesota for...

Sweet Fields Eatery to close this Friday

Posted on the Sweet Fields Eatery's Facebook page today (Tuesday, February 11) was this message from owner Mari Harries concerning the unique Mountain Lake...

‘Livin’ de Life’ ties with Adrian play for second at section; finishes third in...

RTR's one-act play 'Between the Lines'  is first, moves on to state The trio of judges at the Section 2A One-Act Play Festival, held this...

Mountain Lake Christian Speech Team competes at Loyola

Elijah Stoesz third in Informative, Josh Raabe ties for seventh in Humorous

‘Checkers and Cheesecake’ – and cross-generation connections

The Speedway Builder's 4-H Club will be hosting a "Checkers and Cheesecake" event for the senior citizens of Butterfield on Sunday, February 16, at the...

Keeping calm – and singing on!

Five MLHS Senior High Choir members in Wayne State Honor Choir  

Mountain Lake City Council holds meeting February 3

Move through light agenda, public hearing in 24 minutes The Mountain Lake City Council moved quickly through its Monday, February 3 meeting and public hearing,...

MLPS Board holds training session with MSBA Board Development Director

Two new members, empty seat, affect the elected body's dynamics "Why do we have school boards?" That was the question posed by Katie Klanderud, Minnesota School...

Springfield Public School administration evacuates students and staff

Twenty-seven students sent to hospital; suspected carbon monoxide exposure Springfield Public School administration evacuated students and staff this morning (Thursday, February 6) to the Springfield...

MLHS one-act ‘Livin’ de Life’ at Section Saturday

Public, student performance Friday afternoon The Mountain Lake Public High School one-act play, "Livin' de Life," will compete in the Section 2A contest this Saturday,...

Two-vehicle broadside crash on Highway #60 in Watonwan County on February 4

Drivers of each vehicle, the only occupants, receive non-life threatening injuries A two-vehicle broadside crash occurred on Tuesday afternoon, February 4, 2014, at 2:52 p.m....

Sending a laser between the pipes to light the lamp

Eagles' girls hockey forward, Alexis Jellema-Baerg of MLHS, is team's second-highest points leader Underneath the 20 pounds' worth of equipment - athletic shorts, T-shirt, shoulder...

Change in MLPS school calendar

School will be in session on President's Day Classes at Mountain Lake Public School will be in session for a full-day on President's Day (Monday,...

MLPS Board to hold special board meeting tomorrow

There will be a special meeting of the Mountain Lake Public School Board tomorrow (Wednesday, February 7), beginning at 7 p.m., in Room #1...

Wolverines take to the court to shoot for a cure

'Coaches-Versus-Cancer' events at girls, boys basketball games A lot of "pretty in pink"-accented events during the fifth-annual participation of the Mountain Lake Area (MLA) Wolverine...

Annual Concordia Music Festival held January 24, 25

Six young MLHS vocalists attend the weekend gathering Mountain Lake Public High School Vocal Director Andrea Brinkman took six of her vocalists to the annual...

Ron Mathiowetz

Funeral services for 65-year-old Ron Mathiowetz will be held Thursday morning, February 6, 2014, at 10:30 a .m., in St. Paul's Catholic Church in...

Monday morning Nixle message alerts about missing vehicle

A Monday morning, February 3, 2014 Nixle message by the Windom Police Department sent out an alert concerning a missing vehicle in the rural...

MLC Speech Team at Worthington Trojan Invitational Meet

Four orators earn awards in their categories The Mountain Lake Christian  (MLC) Speech Team competed at the 16-team Worthington Trojan Invitational Speech Meet on Saturday,...