Yearly Archives: 2014
Butterfield City Council raises levy to cover fire department pension increase
Primary and general election judges are named
The Butterfield City Council, at their regular monthly meeting on Monday, July 14, approved a levy increase to...
SMC placing final asphalt layer on three streets on July 24
Southern Minnesota Construction (SMC) of Mankato, the asphalt contractor for the 2012-2014 Utility and Street Project, intends to put the final layer of asphalt...
Elida Hunstad
Funeral services for 102-year-old Elida A. Hunstad of St. James, Minnesota, will be held at 2 p.m. on Friday, July 25, 2014, at the...
Penalty for tax fraud is 37 months in federal prison
Former San Diego Chargers offensive tackle and guard, and Maui, Hawaii businessman, Charles Loewen, has been sentenced to 37 months in federal prison after...
There will be plenty of space for work on custom cylinders
Exterior of Mountain Power Hydraulics' 40,000 square foot addition is almost complete.
John H. Buller
Funeral services for 91-year-old John H. Buller of Mountain Lake, Minnesota will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday morning, July 24, 2014, in...
‘Fore’ward to the golf course
12th annual Mountain Lake Area Chamber of Commerce golf outing is slated
The Mountain Lake Area Chamber of Commerce has slated its 12th annual golf...
Dorothy E. Firchau
Services for Dorothy Evelyn Firchau, 89, of Lewisville, Minnesota, will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday morning, July 22, 2014, at Zion Lutheran...
Heroes of hope, profiles of courage
American Cancer Society's 'Relay For Life' time to celebrate, remember, fight back
Each year, more than four million people - in over 20 countries -...
Flores-Maisonet, co-founder of ‘Alterna,’ to speak at Bethel next Sunday
Anton Flores-Maisonet, the co-founder of Alterna, a Christian missional community based in Georgia and comprised of United States citizens and Latin America immigrants, will...
MLOOSC July 14-18 Gun Calendar winners
The Mountain Lake/Odin/Ormsby Sportsmen's Club (MLOOSC) recently posted the Monday, July 14 through Friday, July 18 Gun Calendar winners.
They were as follows:
7/14/14 - ...
Flags for the Food Forest
Perimeter f0r the potential site marked off at Thursday evening's meeting
The perimeter for the potential Lawcon Park Food Forest was marked off at the...
Forces combine to provide new basketball standards, backboards, hoops, nets for Mountain Lake City Park
Providing for a pair of new basketball standards, backboards, hoops...
‘Pretty in pink’
Hot pinks highlighting hot deals beautified Mountain Lake's Crazy Day
The City of Mountain Lake, its businesses and their employees were all "pretty in pink"...
2012-2014 Utility/Street Project work update
Weather permitting, work will be done by August 1
The City of Mountain Lake released a tentative schedule for completion of the work for the...
Precious pints for life
American Red Cross Bloodmobile collects donations in Mountain Lake on Wednesday
The American Red Cross Bloodmobile made a collection stop in Mountain Lake on Wednesday,...
Wayne Starr
A private family service will be held at a later date for 89-year-old Wayne Starr of Battle Lake, Minnesota. Wayne passed away on Friday,...
Six decades’ celebration
MLHS Class of 1954 holds 60th class reunion in June
Tuesday was All-Star Game day
For major league baseball - and Mountain Lake Public Library's all-star young readers
It was All-Star Game day for American and National League major league...
Raisins – the grapes of (dehydration’s) wrath
Mountain Lake Fire Department donates free raisins to local child care facilities
It was the intention of the Mountain Lake Fire Department to distribute a...