* The 2014-2015 senior student signature series features area senior class students – and their own “signature” outlooks on a topic of their choice. A new outlook will be posted on Cross-Counties Connect each Friday. The series opens with point of view comments by seniors from Mountain Lake Public High School. The opinions can be found by clicking on the Family & Faith link on the website’s header, and scrolling down to, and clicking on, Outlook. Their teachers are Brenda Feil, Kim Syverson and Debby Jass.

Starting Somewhere
Feeling sluggish and tired, constantly needing a cup of coffee to try to stay awake through the eight-hour work day – you have all probably been there, but why is it so hard to shake this feeling? Food gives your brain the instructions it needs to carry out your body’s functions; if you are not consuming the needed nutrients, your body will not have the energy to carry out a daily routine. With that, I believe three key “ingredients” can shape a healthy lifestyle and shake that sluggish feeling: proper food intake, adequate exercise, and a positive attitude.
The first step to taking care of your health is knowing what goes into your body. At my height, weight, and age, ChooseMyPlate.gov recommends that I have a daily intake of six ounces of whole grains, two and a half cups of vegetables, one and a half cups of fruit, three cups of dairy, and five ounces of protein foods. I am lucky enough to say that I generally meet these recommendations each day, but I could improve on a couple of food groups. Looking around during my first hour class, when some students finish up their breakfast, I see bags of chips and pop––none of the needed food groups for a well-balanced diet. Personally, if I were to eat those empty calories for breakfast, I would never make it through the day. I encourage you to take a look at ChooseMyPlate.gov to discover what your daily food plan is and challenge yourself to stick to that plan.
Another crucial step in creating a healthy lifestyle is taking the time to exercise. According to the Mayo Clinic website, regular physical activity can combat health conditions and diseases, improve your mood, and promote better sleep, but that is just the beginning of a long list of benefits. After I get done with a work out, whether it be Zumba, running, or biking, I feel a sense of accomplishment knowing that I am improving my physical abilities; I also see a positive difference in my mood and experience more energy during my daily routine. To my understanding, most people like the idea of exercise and want to feel good about themselves, but the push to fit physical activity into a busy life can be difficult. Simply Googling “how to start an exercise plan” brings up various ideas, but making a routine out of exercises that you personally enjoy should be a part of that plan. If you do not feel a sense of enjoyment or accomplishment during or after exercise, sticking to your plan will be more difficult. Therefore, make time for yourself, and make a schedule to fit in enjoyable exercises to benefit YOUR life.
The last and most vital component to a better, healthier you is a positive attitude that will help you take care of your overall health. From my perspective, a positive attitude is being present each day, taking each tough situation with grace, being grateful for what you have, and working toward your wildest dreams. According to the Mayo Clinic website, some of the benefits from positive thinking are: an increased lifespan, greater resistance to the common cold, and reduced risk of death from heart disease. To me, those perks make starting each day with a positive attitude well worth the conscious effort it may take. Now that you know the advantages, my challenge for you is to wake up with a smile, think of a goal for the day, compliment people, be grateful, and live with passion.
I feel very strongly about making your life count and creating a positive atmosphere for those around you, but it has to start with you. Shaking that daily sluggish feeling is possible, and I know firsthand that improvement is always possible. By having the proper food intake, getting adequate exercise, and sustaining a positive attitude, I believe you will be able to shape a healthy lifestyle for yourself.