Eclectic array of MLHS bands, choirs, ensembles unite to present full evening of special music
An eclectic array of Mountain Lake Public High School (MLHS) Music Department groups shared the holiday concert stage on Monday evening, December 22, in the school’s auditorium in a grand holiday-dazzle finale to the season’s concert calendar. The weather-related postponement of the Monday evening, December 15 Junior High/Senior High Bands and Choirs program led to the union of those vocal and instrumental groups with the Java-N-Jazz concert of the Junior High and Senior High Show Choirs and Jazz Bands as well as Percussion Ensembles.
The concert line-up ran, in order –
* Junior High Show Choir.
* Senior High Jazz Band.
* Junior High Band.
* Senior High Show Choir.
* Junior High Choir.
* Junior High Jazz Band.
* Junior High Percussion Ensemble.
* Senior High Band.
* Senior High Percussion Ensemble.
* Senior High Choir.
Leading the music department groups are Band Director Kurt Jahnke, Vocal Director Andrea Brinkman and Show Choirs Choreographer Kelli Tucholke.
Below is a photo gallery of the evening’s line-up of musical entertainment.
JOEL SALGADO ROCKS on as a member of the Junior High Show Choir. The singing-and-dancing troupe performed two numbers. All vocal groups are directed by Andrea Brinkman. The choreography for the Junior High and Senior High Show Choirs is by Kelli Tucholke.
THE JUNIOR HIGH Show Choir (grades 6-8), concludes their portion of the performance by gathering to point out and identify – Santa Claus!
SAMUEL HIRSCH ON saxophone, along with the rest of the Senior High Jazz Wolves.
ANOTHER SENIOR HIGH Jazz Wolves saxophonist Yahayra Sanchez. provides additional mellow reed sounds.
FATHER AND SON share some swing sounds during the Senior High Jazz Wolves numbers. At left, Kurt Jahnke, on keyboard, is the school’s instrumental director. At right, on trumpet, is senior Levi Jahnke.
PROVIDING ADDITIONAL SENIOR High Jazz Wolves brass music are cousins, from left, Sam Grev, Carmen Syverson and Ben Grev.
HOLIDAY INSTRUMENTAL SOUNDS continue with the Junior High Band. Above are, front, on flute, Kyla Perkins and Caitlyn Johnson, and at back, from left, playing the sax are Anna Kirk, Sophie Carrison and Saige Wall.
SMOOTH FRENCH HORN sounds on Junior High Band selections are by Ryan Blomgren, left, and Megan McCue, right.
ISAAC GREV MOVES from baritone horn to tuba when he becomes part of the Dixieland Band on “Let It Snow!” along with the Junior High Band.
ENTER THE SENIOR High Show Choir with song punctuated by dance moves. Front, from left, Jordan Boldt, Jenny Wright, Kalley Rempel and Rebekah Klassen. Second row, from left, Annie Hanson, Chanah Brandt, Brook Sunderman and Meredith Suess. Third row, from left, Lexia Peters, Liana Blomgren, Carmen Syverson, Ann-Katrin Schultz and Jae Faber. Back, from left, Ben Grev, Caleb Rempel, Sam Grev, Ruben Fentanez and Ryan McCue.
FELIZ NAVIDAD! THE Senior High Show Choir wishes you a “Merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart.” Front, from left, Jenny Wright, Caleb Rempel and Ryan McCue. Back, from left, Annie Hanson, Lexia Peters, Carmen Syverson and Ben Grev.
THE JUNIOR HIGH continues the holiday mood with their songs – under the new choral shell – courtesy of a grant from the Remick Foundation. Front, Briana Lopez. Middle, Katie Garza, left and Amy Bartsch, right. Back, Jaelin Renquist, left and Taylor Nass, right.
THE JUNIOR HIGH Choir also accents their numbers with a few swing choir moves. Front, from left, Josiah Quintero, Zach Spinks, Braden Rempel and Dayton Hanson. Middle, from left, Luciano Estrada, Collin Voshage-Hampel, Maleek Stewart and Paton Buller. Back, from left, Joel Salgado, Fletcher Hanson, Kade Kremmin, Regan Syverson, Sam Paulson and Benito Aguirre.
WORKING THE TROMBONE slide during a song by the Junior High Jazz Wolves is Adam Karschnik.
KAYLA VONK SHARES a vocal solo as a Junior High Jazz Wolves ensemble member.
FLETCHER HANSON ON baritone horn adds low-pitched brass that punctuates the Junior High Jazz Wolves songs.
THE BEAT WAS precise as the Junior High Percussion Ensemble presents their numbers – including by Zach Spinks, left and Ethan Klassen, right.
ALSO PART OF the Junior High Percussion Ensemble is this trio. Clashing the cymbals are Saige Wall, left and Brett Willaby, right; while sandwiched in between – on cow bell – is Jon Faber.
MEMBERS OF THE Senior High Band present a variety of musical instruments in play, all adding to the band’s grand holiday sound. Front, Brianna Jensen on trombone, left and Reece Englund on cello. Behind is Eric-John Niss de Jesus on vibraphone and Hamlock Tanyavong on chimes.
VICKI BECKENDORF, FRONT, joins the Senior High Band as guest violinist on “With Every Winter’s Breath.” Back, from left, Dawn Geertsema and Aleesha Jepsen on clarinet and Jared Willaby on saxophone.
SENIOR HIGH BAND flutists Jae Faber, left and Emily Jahnke, right, bring the sweet high sounds of the woodwind instrument to the group’s instrumental pieces.
THE SENIOR HIGH Band’s final number features “Christmas In The Round” (A Holiday Prism for Band) – with instrumental group ensembles scattered throughout the auditorium. Above, some saxophone strains of “Jingle Bells” by, from left, Jared Willaby, Samuel Hirsch, Andrew Fast, Yahayra Sanchez, Travis Willaby, Weston Osland, Paige Rust, Ryan McCue and Caleb Rempel.
THE BRASS PERFORMS “Joy To The World!” in the balcony, fronted by Ben Grev and Levi Jahnke.
THE SENIOR HIGH Percussion Ensemble proves they’ve got the beat. From left, Kalley Rempel, Sam Xayanourom and Ryan McCue.
COOL SHADES = cool sound on the snare drums by Liana Blomgren, left and Caleb Rempel, right, both members of the Senior High Percussion Ensemble.
THE QUARTET OF, from left, Reynaldo Capetillo, Luke Rogers, Ruben Fentanez and Ryan McCue represent the greater group onstage as the Senior High Choir enters the risers from the back of the auditorium – singing the African processional,”Jambo rafiki yangu” together as they come together as a group.
HOLIDAY SEASON SPIRIT is woven through each of the Senior High Choir’s numbers. Front, from left, Jordan Boldt, Signey Stoesz and Marta Stoesz. Back, from left, Kris Menken, Levi Fisher and Hunter Dahna.
SENIOR HIGH CHOIR sopranos Samantha Stahl, left and Taylor Hudson, right.
SEVEN OF THE altos from the Senior High Choir. Front, from left, Rebekah Klassen, Kalley Rempel and Madison Schroeder. Back, from left, Emily Jahnke, Jaden Hoek, Alexis Heffele and Alexis Jellema-Baerg.
THE SENIOR HIGH Choir on the song, “Have You Seen the Baby?.” Front, from left, Madelyn Regier, Ann-Katrin Schultz, Karen Soutthivong, Liana Blomgren and Chanah Brandt. Back, from left, Ethan Karschnik, Luke Rogers, Ian Glassic and Dylan Hanson.