Community Ed classes of Candice Bartel hold first-ever recital
The first-ever Dance Recital of Mountain Lake Dance was held Saturday afternoon, November 22, in the Mountain Lake Public School auditorium. The instructor for the class, which was sponsored through Mountain Lake Community Education, was Candice Bartel of Mountain Lake. The young dancers were from Mountain Lake, Butterfield and St. James.
The dance presentations at the recital included:
* Pre-Kindergarten Hip Hop number, “Shake.”
* Grades 2-3 Ballet selection, “Rock What You Got.”
* Grades 4-6 Hip Hop dance, “Do Life Big.”
* Grades Kindergarten-1 Ballet to “Feel the LIght.”
* Grades 2-3 Hip Hop selection, “Me Without You.”
* Pre-Kindergarten Ballet dance, “Everything Glorious.”
*Grades Kindergarten-1 Hip Hop dance, “Every Good Thing.”
“Grades 4-6 Ballet number, “Let Them See You.