Blood donation unique addition to traditional Thanksgiving cornucopia

Mountain Lake’s American Red Cross Bloodmobile donors help save lives

The American Red Cross Bloodmobile was in the Mountain Lake Community Center on Thursday, November 20 afternoon and early evening. The pints of blood donated to help save lives can be considered as a unique addition to the traditional Thanksgiving cornucopia of plenty.

Below is a series of photographs of donors from the pre-Thanksgiving holiday American Red Cross Bloodmobile visit.


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BLOOD DONOR DEAN Schied of Mountain Lake was serenaded with “Happy Birthday” as he gave his pint of blood donation. Schied, pictured at the canteen with this red “bandage of donation” will turn 96-years-old next week.


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KATELYLN BARTEL ENJOYS an ice cream bar in the canteen following her successful donation of blood.


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ELMER BULLER HAS A big heart – no, really, he does have a big heart – a big tagboard cut-out heart marked with his one-gallon donation pins from the American Red Cross. Following his donation on Thursday, November 20, Elmer was able to add his 18th gallon pin to his collection. Enjoy the orange juice, zwiebach with jelly and summer sausage, Elmer – you earned the treat.


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MELANIE ADRIAN SPORTS a smile as she is waiting to be “hooked up” and set to donate a pint of her blood.
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