Vote in this Tuesday’s, November 4 general election
Following is a wrap-up of the federal. state, judicial, county, municipal, township and school district candidates whose names will appear on the ballots for area voters on Election Day 2014 – Tuesday, November 4.
United States Senator from Minnesota
* Six-Year Term (Vote for 1) – Steve Carlson (Independence), Mike McFadden (Republican), Al Franken (Democratic-Farmer-Labor) and Heather Johnson (Libertarian Party).
United States Representative District 1
* Two-Year Term (Vote for 1) – Jim Hagedorn (Republican) and Tim Walz (Democratic-Farmer-Labor).
United States Representative District 7
* Two-Year Term (Vote for 1) – Torrey Westrom (Republican) and Collin C. Peterson (Democratic-Farmer-Labor).
Minnesota State Representative District 22B
* Two-Year Term (Vote for 1) – Rod Hamilton (Republican) and Cheryl Avenel-Navara (Democratic-Farmer-Labor).
Minnesota State Representative District 23A
* Two-Year Term (Vote for 1) – Bob Gunther (Republican) and Pat Bacon (Democratic-Farmer-Labor).
Minnesota State Representative District 23B
* Two-Year Term (Vote for 1) – Tony Cornish (Republican).
Minnesota State Representative District 16B
* Two-Year Term (Vote for 1) – Paul Torkelson (Republican) and James Kanne (Democratic-Farmer-Labor).
Minnesota Governor and Lieutenant Governor
* Four-Year Term (Vote for 1 pair) – Hannah Nicollet and Tim Gieseke (Independence), Jeff Johnson and Bill Kuisle (Republican), Mark Dayton and Tina Smith (Democratic-Farmer-Labor), Chris Holbrook and Chris Dock (Libertarian Party) and Chris Wright and David Daniels (Grassroots-Legalize Cannabis).
Minnesota Secretary of State
* Four-Year Term (Vote for 1) – Bob Helland (Independence), Dan Severson (Republican), Steve Simon (Democratic-Farmer-Labor) and Bob Odden (Libertarian Party).
Minnesota Attorney General
* Four-Year Term (Vote for 1) – Brandon Borgos (Independence), Scott Newman (Republican), Lori Swanson (Democratic-Farmer-Labor), Andy Dawkins (Green Party), Mary O’Connor (Libertarian Party) and Dan R. Vacek (Legal Marijuana Now).
Minnesota State Auditor
* Four-Year Term (Vote for 1) – Patrick Dean (Independence), Randy Gilbert (Republican), Rebecca Otto (Democratic-Farmer-Labor), Keegan Iversen (Libertarian Party) and Judith Schwartzbacker (Grassroots-Legalize Cannabis).
Associate Justice-Supreme Court 2
* Four-Year Term (Vote for 1) – John Hancock and Wilhelmina (Mimi) Wright.
Associate Justice-Supreme Court 3
* Four-Year Term (Vote for 1) – David Lillehaug and Michelle L. MacDonald.
Judge-Court of Appeals 1
* Four-Year Term (Vote for 1) – John R. Rodenberg.
Judge-Court of Appeals 3
* Four-Year Term (Vote for 1) – Carol A. Hooten.
Judge-Court of Appeals 4
* Four-Year Term (Vote for 1) – John P. Smith.
Judge-Court of Appeals 9
* Four-Year Term (Vote for 1) – Michael Kirk.
Judge-Court of Appeals 10
* Four-Year Term (Vote for 1) – Edward J. Cleary.
Judge-Court of Appeals 12
* Four-Year Term (Vote for 1) – Margaret Chutich.
Judge-Court of Appeals 15
* Four-Year Term (Vote for 1) – Kevin G. Ross.
Judge-5th District Court 5
* Four-Year Term (Vote for 1) – Nathan A. Busch and Christina M. Wietzema.
Judge-5th District Court 8
* Four-Year Term (Vote for 1) – Todd W. Westphal.
City of Mountain Lake
* Two-Year Term for Mayor – Timothy Janzen (although Timothy has taken his name out of contention his name will appear on the ballot), Michael Nelson, John Oeltjenbruns and David Ryan Savage.
* Four-Year Term for Council Members (Vote for 2) – Christopher Boldt, D. David Dodge, Dana Kass, Brian Schultz (incumbent) and Andrew Ysker (incumbent).
* Special Election for Two-Year Term for Council Member (Vote for 1) – Darla Kruser and Dean Sawatzky.
City of Butterfield
* Two-Year Term for Mayor – Harry Hanson and Doug Meyer.
* Four-Year Term for Council Members (Vote for 2) – Kenneth Pankratz (present incumbent mayor), Leslie Schlomann and James Warwick (incumbent).
* Sunday Liquor Sales – Yes or No.
Butterfield-Odin Public School Board, School District #836
* Four-Year Term (Vote for 3) – Jonee Munning and Anders Pierson.
City of Odin
* Two-Year Term for Mayor – None.
* Four-Year Term for Council Members (Vote for 2) – None.
City of Ormsby
* Two-Year Term for Mayor – None.
* Four-Year Term for Council Members (Vote for 2) – Dawn Hanson and Angela Mohlenbrock.
* Special Election for Two-Year Term for Council Member (Vote for 1) – Theresa Deling.
City of Darfur
* Two-Year Term for Mayor – John Schumann.
* Four-Year Term for Council Members (Vote for 2) – Doreen Bowman and Darwin Thiessen.
City of Bingham Lake
* Two-Year Term for Mayor – Darren Kalvig and Mary Krumwiede.
* Four-Year Term for Council Members (Vote for 2) – Marvin Bretzman, Trina Kalvig and Mark Redman.
City of Comfrey
* Two-Year Term for Mayor – Gary Richter.
* Four-Year Term for Council Members (Vote for 2) – Darlene Arnsdorf and Rick Kastner.
Dale Township
* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat A – None.
* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat B – None.
Lakeside Township
* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat B – Larry A. Smith.
* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat C – Bruce A. Turner.
* Four-Year Term for Town Clerk – Bruce Nagorske.
Midway Township
* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat B – Gordon Harder.
* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat C – Tim Penner.
* Four-Year Term for Town Treasurer – Gladys Friesen.
Mountain Lake Township
* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat A – None.
* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat C – Lee Erickson.
Adrian Township
* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat 1 – None.
* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat 2 – None.
* Four-Year Term for Town Treasurer – Connie Goblirsch.
Butterfield Township
* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat 1 – Kurt Blomgren.
* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat 2 – Eldon Janzen.
Long Lake Township
* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat 1 – Thomas Eng.
* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat 2 – Doug Nibbe.
* Four-Year Term for Town Treasurer – None.
Odin Township
* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat 1 – Ross Hanson and Brad Ommodt.
* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat 2 – Lowell Mathistad.
* Four-Year Term for Town Treasurer – David Sandbo.
Cottonwood County
* Four-Year Term for Cottonwood County Commissioner District 1 – James M. Schmidt.
* Four-Year Term for Cottonwood County Commissioner District 3 – Donna L. Gravley and Tom White.
* Four-Year Term for Cottonwood County Commissioner District 5 – Tom Appel and Randy Sawatzky.
* Four-Year Term for Cottonwood County Auditor/Treasurer – Jan Johnson.
* Four-Year Term for Cottonwood County Recorder – Kathleen “Kathy” Kresch.
* Four-Year Term for Cottonwood County Sheriff – Jason J. Purrington.
* Four-Year Term for Cottonwood County Attorney – Nick Anderson.
* Four-Year Term for Cottonwood County Soil and Water Supervisor 1 – Clark B. Lingbeek.
* Four-Year Term for Cottonwood County Soil and Water Supervisor 3 – Daryl Tasler.
Watonwan County
* Four-Year Term for Watonwan County Commissioner District 2 – Keith Brekken and Mark Rentz.
* Four-Year Term for Watonwan County Commissioner District 4 – Scott Sanders.
* Four-Year Term for Watonwan County Auditor/Treasurer – Donald Kuhlman.
* Four-Year Term for Watonwan County Recorder – Joy Sing.
* Four-Year Term for Watonwan County Sheriff – Gary Menssen.
* Four-Year Term for Watonwan County Attorney – Stephen J. Lindee.
* Four-Year Term for Watonwan County Soil and Water Supervisor 1 – None.
* Four-Year Term for Watonwan County Soil and Water Supervisor 2 – Rich Enger.