B-OHS Bands, Choirs concert is pinnacle of Tuesday’s activities

Also on event docket were P/T conferences, parent presentations and training, Book Fair, burger/hot dog meal fundraiser

It was a very eventful few hours at Butterfield-Odin Public School during the late afternoon and evening on Tuesday, October 21. During that time frame, the school district provided a variety of activities for the public as well as its students and their families, as staff and the community rallied to “Celebrate Our Kids!”

Crammed into four-and-one-half hours were:

* Parent/Teacher Conferences for grades K-12.

* Scholastic Book Fair in the Media Center.

* Parent presentations and training on the new parent notification system for school alerts.

* Training on academic websites and mobile apps in the high school computer lab.

* Informational hand-outs on how to help students stay on track for academic success.

* Grilled burger/hot dog meal in the cafeteria as a fundraiser for a portable computer lab.

* Band/Choir concert for grades 7-12 in the school’s gymnasium.

Following is a series of photographs from the pinnacle of the list of events, the evening’s Band/Choir concert. Featured at the concert were the Senior High Band, Women’s Choir, Junior High Choir, Saints Choir, Junior High Band, Mass Choir, Awk-appella-wards and Mass Band. The school’s Director of Bands is David Stordalen and the Director of Choirs is Sarah Cartwright.

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senior high band 1
BRIANNA RINGEN ADDS percussion to the Senior High Band’s version of “Carry On Wayward Son.” The school’s instrumental director is David Stordalen.


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SENIOR HIGH BAND trombonist Austin Heffele focuses on his sheet music – as well as sliding to the right notes.


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ANOTHER SENIOR HIGH Band member, Glenda Hector on clarinet, adds the woodwind sound to the selection.


women's choir soloists
THE WOMEN’S CHOIR, under the direction of Sarah Cartwright, the school’s first-year vocal instructor, shares “Safe and Sound.” The Women’s Choir combines female voices from both the Senior HIgh Choir and Junior High Choir. Above, Mia Rodriguez was one of the soloists on the number, along with Susan Fast, at back, as well as Jenny Perez-Ambrocio and Chelsea Sykes, not pictured.


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COMING TOGETHER TO perform in the Women’s Choir are female vocalists ranging in age from Laura Rodriguez, left, in seventh-grade and Rose Sanmiguel, right, a high school senior.


junior high choir
IT WAS “A Whole New World” for the seventh-grader students who joined their eighth-grade counterparts in the Junior High Choir’s selection, led by Director of Choirs Sarah Cartwright, front. Members of the Junior High Choir include, first row, from left, Devon Aguilar, Alex Hanson, Jonathan Hanson, Jennifer Ambrocio-Perez and Kylie Fisch. Middle, from left, Noah Wolle,Alex Knickrehm, Fransisco Suarez, Tyler Wallert and Norely Sanchez. Back, from left, Benjamin Rodriguez, Ethan Sykes, Jordan Dougherty, Austin Bolte, Michael Nett and Kevin Hernandez.


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SOLOISTS ON THE Saints Choir number, “Homeward Bound,” were Hayley Johnson, left and Julie Saunders, right.


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SAINTS CHOIR MEMBERS in full concert mode. Front-to-back, Chelsea Sykes, Krisana Xayaphonesongkham and Tiana Sengchan.


junior high band 1
THE JUNIOR HIGH Band, under the baton of Director of Bands David Stordalen, performed two numbers, “For the Beauty of the Earth” and “Kingsbury March.” Above, playing the high notes of the flute is eighth-grader Madyson Heffele.


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WITH SOME JUNIOR High Band brass on the baritone is seventh-grader Austin Bolte.


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THE MASS CHOIR (both Saints Choir and Junior High Choir) present the number, “Home.” The selection featured freshman Julie Saunders as piano accompanist (not pictured); eighth-grader Aracely Anaya on guitar, seated left; her sister senior Arely Anaya on bass guitar, seated right; junior Jose Garcia on xylophone, standing center) and, seated right, Director Sarah Cartwright on the cajon. Pronounced Ka-hon, it is a six-sided box percussion instrument originally from Peru made of thin plywood – with a hole in it – that is played by slapping its front or rear faces. Choir members pictured in the first row are, from left, Kaliana Xayaphonesongkham, Vanessa Rodriguez, Hayley Johnson, Jordyn Connell, Jacklin Oviedo, Juan Morales, Noah Wolle, Alex Hanson and Devon Aguilar.


A NEW VOCAL group this year is the Awk-apella-wards, featuring, from left, Julie Saunders, Hayley Johnson, Wong Lee, Ross Blomgren, Alicia San Miguel and Jordyn Connell, along with, not present, Mackenzie Blickem and LaMar Sengsouvanh. The group sang the song, “Royals” by Lorde.


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THE JUNIOR HIGH Band and Senior High Band combined for the concert’s finale, “Wipe Out” by the Surfaris (the song the bands marched to during the Homecoming Parade). Above, Senior High Band trumpeter Dalton Wolle gives his all.


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FLUTES, TOO, ADD to the song, “Wipe Out.” Above left is Junior High Band flutist Vanessa Rodriguez and at right is her Senior High Band counterpart, Charlotte Fast.
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