Local chapter participants excel in livestock shows, crop sample displays and as ‘Oink’ Booth assistant
The 2014 Minnesota State Fair proved again to be a prime-time showring platform for Mountain Lake FFA exhibitors. The local chapter participants excelled in livestock shows, crops sample displays – even one member as an “Oink” Booth assistant.
All-in-all, they were totally absorbed in soaking up the experience of attending “The Great Minnesota Get-Together.”
In livestock show appearances, Melanie Adrian was awarded Overall Reserve Champion Commercial Breeding Ewe as well as Reserve Champion Senior Showman. In addition, Caitlin Oeltjenbruns showed both goats and sheep, placing well in both, including a Third-Place finish with her Breeding Doe and Market Goat. Hunter Dahna showed in swine, and also sheep, which resulted in a Second-Place Commercial Ewe, among other placings.
Other chapter members assisting with the showing were Olivia Hopwood, Madelyn Regier, Michaela Cate and Nathan Regier.
The top three chapter crop sample representatives included Jared Willaby, Nathan Regier and Carly Paulson.
At the FFA’s “Oink” Booth, Madelyn Regier spent time as a spokesperson, educating thousands of fair-goers about the swine industry and agriculture in general.
Mountain Lake FFA Advisors Tom Appel and Lindsey Brown were with the members during their time at the state fair.
Below are photographs of Mountain Lake FFA Chapter members who participated in the 2014 Minnesota State Fair.