New MSHSL 2014 cross country rules adopted from NFHS Rules Committee

The bulk of the new rules for the 2014 cross country season as laid out by the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL), adopted from the National Federation of State High School Association (NFHS) Track and Field/Cross Country Rules Committee deals with jewelry issues.

The rule is – jewelry SHALL NOT be worn by competitors.

* The “Minnesota Penalty” states that – “The competitor shall be required to remove all jewelry prior to competition. If the athlete refuses to remove their jewelry, they will not be allowed to compete. If an athlete is NOT ASKED to remove their jewelry, and is found to have jewelry on at the conclusion of a race, NO penalty will be applied and no reports will be filed.”

* Medical alert medals are not considered jewelry. The alert should be visible when the medal is attached to a metal bracelet that shall be taped to the body, to a bracelet of pliable material that is not required to be taped to the body or to a necklace that shall be taped to the body.

* Religious medals are not considered jewelry and must be worn under the uniform and taped to the body.

* A watch may be worn around the wrist.

* Also legal are unadorned devices, such as bobby pins, barrettes and hair clips (no longer than two inches) that are worn to control a competitor’s hair.

The MSHSL has added additional allowed items:

* Legal medical devices such as an insulin pump, heart monitor with a physician’s statement showing the need, an atomizer with a physician’s statement showing the need and a cast or brace unless on the throwing hand.

* Legal hair/head wear items include scrunchies (rolled pre-wrap or a ribbon of a single color to control hair) or a regulation headband or knit cap – or regulation “sweat band” for the head or wrists – of a single color and unadorned except for manufacturer’s logo/trademark/reference, school name, school nickname or school mascot.

* Also legal uniform items include tattoos (unless objectionable), an American flag no larger than 2 inches by 3 inches, a commemorative or memorial patch not to exceed 4 square inches or one manufacturer’s logo/trademark/reference no larger than 2 1/4 square inches with no dimension more than 2 1/4 inches is permitted on each piece of apparel.

* Additional prohibited jewelry-related items include baseball hats, bandannas, do-rags, scarves, etc.; cloth/hemp/rubber/yarn/etc. bracelets; earrings even if covered with tape; face/body paint and/or stickers; glitter; GPS/Android watches; hair beads or feathers; pins, except to attach competitor numbers; ribbons, pins, etc. attached to shoes/shoelaces; rings or any other jewelry (i.e. navel rings, tongue rings, eyebrow rings and other pierced body parts and rubber bands(s) on the wrist or ankle.

These jewelry and uniform rules are primarily for the management/administration of the meet. Schools are to dress in like uniforms (consistent in appearance) so that team members are easily identifiable when on the course and in the finish area. Each competitor’s uniform shall consist of shoes and a full-length cross country top and bottom, or one-piece uniform issued by the school. Each team members must wear the same color and design school uniform. Any visible apparel worn under the top and other visible apparel worn under the bottom must be unadorned (except for manufacturer’s log and/or single school name or insignia no larger than 2 1/4 inches and of a single and the same color. Visible items worn under both the top and the bottom do not have to be the same color. If worn by more than one team member (two or more) that apparel must be the same color, but not necessarily the same length.

* Arm warmers are legal and may be worn during a race unless the games committee determines otherwise. The logo and color requirements for uniforms/undergarments do not apply to arm warmers since they are neither.

* A MSHSL interpretation about undergarments displaying seams stitched on the outside of the garment in a visible contrasting to the undergarment are legal as long as the stitching is used for construction of the garment – and not design.

*As well, in the event of inclement weather, meet management may modify the uniform rule to allow competitors to wear school-approved warm-up suits, hooded/turtleneck sweatshirts/pullovers, sweat pants, hats/caps, gloves, long stockings, leotards, etc. All competitors are expected to present a personal appearance that will reflect the highest credit upon the sport and their school.

* The penalty for an illegal uniform is disqualification from the meet.

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