The Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) has adopted four rule changes for the upcoming 2014 volleyball season, as set forth in January by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Vollelyball Rules Committee.
These changes include:
* Allowing for the addition of a school name or mascot reference to be placed on the sleeve(s) of of solid-colored jerseys, providing it is either 4-by-4 inches or 3-by-5 inches.
* Clarifying the responsibility of the second referee to whistle and signal out-of-bounds for an antenna fault on his/her side of the net.
* Allowing for a whistle by the second referee to end a time-out if the audio signal has not sounded and both teams are ready to play prior to the end of the 60-second time-out.
* Allowing for the line judge – if requested by the first referee – to be positioned to othe side and in line with the extension of the end line for serves on the left side of the court, giving the line judge a clear view of any line violations for which he/she is responsible before moving back into position following contact of the ball for a serve.