MLPS School Board raises lunch prices per federal mandate

SMAC’s Executive Director Mike Rich presents update on Building Committee’s progress

Based on information from the Minnesota Department of Education concerning a federally-mandated lunch price increase, as well as from Mountain Lake Public School’a auditor, food service provider Taher, Inc. and other area public schools, the Mountain Lake Public School Board followed recommendations and increased lunch prices by 10 cents per meal for this school year at their Monday, August 18 board meeting.

This increase results in an estimated annual increase of $17.50 per student.

Building Committee making progress

Michael K. Rich, PhD, executive director of the Southwest Marketing Advisory Center (SMAC) from Southwest Minnesota State University-Marshall (SMSU), updated the school board on the progress of the Building Committee.

Questions and comments on that progress from school board members were welcomed and received.

Dr. Rich is slated to return a plan/outline to the board by tomorrow (Friday, August 22). The school board will then review that strategem at a special meeting to be held in conjunction with their Workman’s Compensation meeting.

The seven school district residents who are members of the Building Committee  include Bryan Bargen, Vern Peterson, Tom Appel, Jerry Haberman, Shawn Naas, Bruce Swanson and Cheri Hanson.

SMAC was hired by the school board in spring 2013 to help the district in an advisory role recover from the December 2012 failed building bond referendum and move ahead, charting a path leading to a successful outcome for the school and community.

In other business

* Approved Jaime Banks, Lindsey Brown, Kristin Pfeiffer and Jessica Svehla as Junior Class advisors.

* Named Amy Hartzler and Annette Kunkel as Elementary Student Council advisors.

* Approved hiring Lori Braun as a bus driver at a rate of $1,380 per month.

* Approved hiring Linda Loewen as a special education paraprofessional at a rate of $10.30 per hour.

* Learned that insurance bids were opened at 8 a.m. on Friday morning, August 14, with Mountain Lake Public School Superintendent Bill Strom, District Secretary Alisa Nickel, Business Manager Kim Naas and Mountain Lake Public School Board Member and Board Clerk Julie Brugman in attendance. Two bids were received – from United Prairie Insurance and Hanson Agency. At the board meeting, the policies were discussed and reviewed. Board members will hold a special meeting and invited representatives from United Prairie and Hanson to attend the meeting to review quotes and a questionnaire.

* Approved donations to the school district.

* Approved open enrollments.

* Approved a lane change request.

* Received the staff roster.



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