MLPS School Board addresses special meeting agenda

Condition of Munson Field track is one of the topics discussed during Monday morning’s session

The Mountain Lake Public School (MLPS) School Board addressed three items as part of its special meetingĀ agenda on Monday morning, August 25.

One of the topics discussed was the condition of the track at Munson Field. Information was handed out concerning the track’s status. Discussion was held on the possibility of sealing the cracks in the track in order to maintain it for the 2014-2015 school sports seasons. Mountain Lake Activities Director Adam Bibbs has received a quote from Midwest Tennis and Track to correct the situation.

The board also approved the resignation of Reid Brandt, custodian, effective Thursday, August 21, and also resolved to post for a part-time custodial position.

The third item on the agenda found the board approving a letter from the State Fire Marshal as presented.

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