In a State Fair state of mind

Area 4-H club members bring their best to the state’s top fairgrounds in St. Paul

This year was no exception as area 4-H club members were in a “Minnesota State Fair state of mind” – bringing their best to the state’s top fairgrounds – located on a 360-acre permanent fairgrounds location in St. Paul.

During the 12 days of the 2014 fair, 4-Hers had on center stage display the history of “learning by doing” – whether it was in animal and plant science, STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) science, food science, clothing and apparel science, the environment and outdoors, healthy living, citizenship and business or creative arts 4-H.

Local Cottonwood County 4-Hers who placed at the 2014 Minnesota State Fair (in alphabetical order)

* Bryce Adrian – Champion Speckled Face Market Lamb; Participation Ribbon Class 2-Market Lamb Intermediate.

* Melanie Adrian – Reserve Champion Advanced Market Lamb Showmanship; Purple Ribbon (top exhibit in class per judge’s discretion) Class 16-Middleweight Black Face Market Lamb (147-149 pounds).

* Hunter Dahna – Blue Ribbon Class 8-White Face Market Lamb (102-137 pounds); Participation Ribbon Class 8-Market Lamb Senior Showmanship.

* Madison Dahna – Blue Ribbon Class 13-Middleweight Crossbred Barrow (256-260 pounds).

* Ryan Franz – Reserve Champion Purebred Market Barrow; Reserve Champion Spot Barrow (213-288 pounds).

* Jessica Wiebe – Champion Middleweight Market Lamb; Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb; Participation Ribbon for Fifth Class 14-Market Lamb Advanced Showmanship.

* Megan Wiebe – Purple Ribbon (top exhibit in class per judge’s discretion) Class 15-Middleweight Black Face Market Lamb (144-146 pounds); Participation Ribbon for Fifth Class 2-Market Lamb Intermediate Showmanship.

Local Watonwan County 4-Hers who placed at the 2014 Minnesota State Fair (in alphabetical order)

* Liana Blomgren – Champion Young Bird Utility Pigeon.

* Ross Blomgren – Blue Ribbon Class 7-Registered Yorkshire Barrow (284-299 pounds); Blue Ribbon Shop-Primarily Wood-Oak Bookcase (Grade 9-Plus).

* Ryan Blomgren – Red Ribbon Chickens-Egg Producing-Brown Eggs (Class 2).

* Aleesha Jepsen – Blue Ribbon Food Review-Western Theme Table Featuring Buttermilk Pie (Grades 6-8); Blue Ribbon Market Goat Intermediate Showmanship; Red Ribbon Class 7-Middleweight Market Wethers (75-85 pounds).

* Elisabeth Pankratz – Blue Ribbon Home Environment-Doll Bunk Beds (Grades 6-8).

* Lukas Pierson – Blue Ribbon Holstein-Grade-Dry Cow; Blue Ribbon Veterinary Science-Rummaging Through Ruminant (Grades 6-8).

* Seth Pierson – Blue Ribbon Wildlife Biology-Tips on Ornithology-Bird Watching (Grades 6-8); Blue Ribbon Holstein-Grade-Summer-Junior Yearling.

* Race Regier – Red Ribbon Fishing Sports-Fishing Lures for Bass (Grades 6-8).

* Sylvia Rodriguez – Red Ribbon Food Preservation-Jam (Grades 6-8).

Below are photographs of area 4-Hers whose state fair entries were recognized. The photos are courtesy of the 2014 Minnesota State Fair and 4-H.


3529 Sheep Reserve Advanced Market Showmanship Melanie Adrian cottonwood-L (1)
MELANIE ADRIAN – RESERVE Champion Advanced Market Lamb Showmanship.


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MELANIE ADRIAN – PURPLE Ribbon (top exhibit in class per judge’s discretion) Class 16-Middleweight Black Face Market Lamb (147-149 pounds).


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JESSICA WIEBE – RESERVE Grand Champion Overall Market Lamb.


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JESSICA WIEBE – CHAMPION Middleweight Market Lamb.


3539 Sheep Fifth Advanced Showmanship Jessie Wiebe Cottonwood-L the one
JESSICA WIEBE – FIFTH Advanced Sheep Showmanship.


3440 Sheep Fifth Intermediate Showmanship Megtan Wiebe Cottonwood-L
MEGAN WIEBE – FIFTH Intermediate Sheep Showmanship.


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MEGAN WIEBE – PURPLE Ribbon (top exhibit in class per judge’s discretion) Class 15-Middleweight Black Face Market Lamb (144-146 pounds).


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BRYCE ADRIAN – CHAMPION Speckled Face Market Lamb.


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RYAN FRANZ – RESERVE Champion Purebred Market Barrow and Reserve Champion Spot Barrow (213-288 pounds).


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LIANA BLOMGREN – CHAMPION Young Bird Utility Pigeon.


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LUKAS PIERSON – 2014 Minnesota Dairy Showcase – 10th Place.



And, here are some candid shots from the 4-H Sheep Show. Photos courtesy of the 2014 Minnesota State Fair and 4-H:


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M. K. FRANZ at the 4-H Sheep Show.


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HUNTER DAHNA, AT left, showing his Class 8-Market Lamb at the 4-H Senior Showmanship Sheep Show.


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BRYCE ADRIAN WORKING in the arena with his market lamb during the 4-H Intermediate Showmanship Sheep Show.


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JESSICA WIEBE, LEFT and Melanie Adrian, second right – along with their market lambs – were side-by-side during the 4-H Market Lamb Advanced Showmanship Sheep Show.


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DAD MARK WIEBE has a little fun with his daughter, Jessica, during a 4-H photo op opportunity following the 4-H Sheep Show.


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THIS TIME, MOM Sarah Wiebe, left and Dad Mark Wiebe, right, proudly join their daughter, Jessica, at another winner photo shoot after the 4-H Sheep Show.




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