Mountain Lake FFA exits 2014 event ribbon-wrapped in purple and blue, accented with trophies ofgold
Members of the Mountain Lake FFA recently participated in the competitive shows of the 2014 Cottonwood County Fair. The members exhibited for judging in the Agricultural Mechanics Show, Horticulture Show, Crops Show, Swine Show, Sheep Show and the Goat Show.
Many of those participants exited the event, held at the fairgrounds in Windom, ribbon-wrapped in purple and blue, which was accented for some with trophies of gold.
FFA Advisors include Tom Appel, Lindsey Brown and Stephen Funk.
Following are photos – courtesy of the Mountain Lake FFA – of county fair show winners.
Not pictured is Darby Harder, who had the Reserve Champion Horticulture Exhibit in the FFA Horticulture Show, as well as the Reserve Champion Soybean Bundle in the FFA Crops Show with Gold Country Seed 2040.
ANDREW HEMPECK RECEIVED a blue ribbon as recognition for having the Champion Wood Project at the county fair – and his work was also given the Grand Champion Project purple ribbon and trophy – in the FFA Agricultural Mechanics Show.
CHAMPION METAL PROJECT in the FFA Agricultural Mechanics Show went to Jared Willaby.
RUBEN FENTANEZ RECEIVED a blue ribbon as Champion Directed Project, and a white ribbon as Reserve Grand Champion Project in the FFA Agricultural Mechanics Show.
IN THE FFA Sheep Show, Melanie Adrian was awarded a blue ribbon with her Champion Cross Ewe and also a pink ribbon for showing the Reserve Grand Champion Ewe.
ALSO IN THE FFA Sheep Show, Hunter Dahna was recognized with a blue ribbon with his Champion Dorset Ewe.
CAITLIN OELTJENBRUNS HAD a strong showing with her goat in the FFA Goat Show. She received a purple ribbon in Champion Breeding Goat and Reserve Champion Breeding Goat pink ribbon. She also showed the Reserve Champion Market Goat.
IN THE FFA Swine Show, Thomas Regier earned the purple for his Champion Commercial Hog.
MADISON DAHNA GOT a purple ribbon and a trophy for her Champion Horticulture Exhibit in the FFA Horticulture Show.
IN THE FFA Crops Show, Madelyn Regier had the Champion Corn Ten-Ear with Dekalb 5378, and was the Overall Reserve Grand Champion, receiving a purple ribbon and a trophy.
CARLY PAULSON’S PURPLE county fair ribbon was earned in the FFA Crops Show for her Champion Soybeans – Stine 2420.
CALEB REMPEL’S Pioneer 0533 corn was given a purple ribbon and named Champion Corn in the FFA Crops Show.
JARED WILLABY’S MYCOGEN 5N205 soybeans were named Reserve Champion Soybeans, and Jared was presented a trophy for Overall Grand Champion Exhibitor in the FFA Crops Show.
FFA CROPS SHOW Reserve Champion Corn was awarded to Meredith Suess with Dekalb 4812.
TYLER DICK SHOWED the Reserve Champion Commercial Hog in the FFA Swine Show.