Sturdy ‘foundation’ fittings for the community’s future

Mountain Lake Area Foundation disburses funds

Funds from the Mountain Lake Area Foundation (MLAF) have been disbursed to a number of community projects this year.

These include:

* Over $2,000 for development of a new city park across 10th Street to the east of the Laker Bar & Grill.

* $5,000 to the Mountain Lake Fire Department for new protective gear.

* over $2,000 to refurbish bikes for the new bike trail system around Mountain Lake.

* Smaller amounts for the Mayors Bike Ride, development of the trap shooting area and funds to the school for early childhood screening.

The Mountain Lake Area Foundation (MLAF) began in 1996, and is organized as a component fund of the Southwest Initiative Foundation (SWIF). The SWIF Community Foundation Program allows donors to make gifts to SWIF and designate them for use in Mountain Lake. SWIF provides the administrative and 501(c)(3) infrastructure. It also provides ongoing technical and professional support in areas such as strategic planning, fundraising, marketing, public relations, and grantmaking.

The mission of MLAF is to promote charitable giving and facilitate the economic and social growth for the benefit of the Mountain Lake community. MLAF supports funding that promotes cultural, educational, civic and environmental organized as a component fund of the Southwest Initiative Foundation (SWIF).

The Board of Directors includes Julie Brugman, Steve Syverson, Misty Karschnik, Vern Peterson, Tim Swoboda, Alvin Wiens, Judy Harder, Joyce Bucklin, Jerry Logue, Wade Nelson and David Savage.

The MLAF “Family of Funds” includes:

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* MLAF Endowment Fund: A permanent resource with income used to fund charitable activities.

* MLAF Project Fund:  A non-endowed fund used to raise money for capital projects within the community.

* MLAF Education Fund: A non-endowed fund that benefits the public and private school systems in the area.

* MLAF Healthcare Fund: A fund established to support healthcare in the community.

* Brad Behrends Memorial Fund: A non-endowed fund to support the community through scholarships and other grant distributions.

* Harder Family Fund: Advised by family members to benefit the community.

* Mountain Lake Early Childhood Fund.

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