Hot pinks highlighting hot deals beautified Mountain Lake’s Crazy Day
The City of Mountain Lake, its businesses and their employees were all “pretty in pink” on Thursday, July 17, as the annual Crazy Day was beautified by hot deals highlighted by the hot pink colors – and all the connecting shades and hues. The day-long event was sponsored by the Mountain Lake Area Chamber of Commerce and its members.
Following is a gallery of photos from the day.
SHOPPERS STALK THE deals in the side-by-side sidewalk displays of Mountain Lake Floral and 10th Street Pickers along 10th Street.
SHARRON HANSON BROUGHT to life the antiques and collectibles of which 10th Street Pickers is chock-full. Clad in a hat off the rack behind her, accented by silver hair clip bling, Hanson highlighted her flowered jacked with a yellow dairy pin and scores of flowing necklaces.
S’MORES WERE ADORED in a do-it-yourself style in front of 10th Street Pickers. The makings for the special summertime treat were courtesy of Pickers.
SLEEPY EYE’S KEN Schons even provided entertainment in front of Pickers, ala the “Man In Black” – Johnny Cash.
RUTH MOLITOR OF Mountain Lake brought a lawn chair to Pickers to be able to sit down, relax – and listen to her brother’s (Ken Schons at back) rendition of “Folsom Prison Blues,” along with other Cash favorites. Joining her were her daughter, Peg Gosen and son, Dan Molitor Sr.
THE FLOWER LADY – Nene Smestad, right, of Mountain Lake Floral, sporting a funky fedora with brim trimmed in pink, a bright pink top and multi-striped socks featuring several shades of pink greeted Crazy Day treasure-hunter Virginia Karschnik, left, outside her shop.
SIDEWALK DEALS ATTRACTED shoppers to The Matchless Gift, with the savings continuing on stock inside the store.
JEANNETTE HALE OF Mountain Lake combs through a few items of The Matchless Gift’s sidewalk sale display.
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REAL MEN ARE not afraid to wear pink – and on Crazy Day – Lyle Radtke of Mountain Lake is a real man’s man. Lyle, manning the till at Care & Share, glowed in a pink shirt and pink, white and maroon striped tie. What made the ensemble complete, however, was the lightweight summer hat punctuated by a flowing pink ribbon encircling the hat band and reaching down three sides.
CARE & SHARE does not typically hold “blue light special” – as every priced item is a steal of a deal – but on Crazy Day, Sherry Pankratz, left and Nancy Nelson, right, both of Mountain Lake, scooped up the garments off the rack before any other interested persons could lay claim to their choices.
LAUREL LEET OF Butterfield considers trying on this lavender pair of capris.
FRESH AS A daisy – even in the thick of a Crazy Day run. Jami Peters, at Peterson Thrifty White Drug & Gifts, attests that ability is her crowning achievement.
HER PINK JUMPSUIT covered by dainty lace apron, Cheri Hanson hustles out the door to set up the Root Beer Float stand sponsored by Peterson Thrifty White Drug and Gifts.
THIS LOCAL PHARMACIST at Peterson Thrifty White Drug and Gifts – Erica Schroeder – is “queen” of the drug store.
THIS IS NOT your typical punk rocker, but Sue Garloff, manager of Maynard’s Foods, took the Crazy Day in Pink idea to another level – with a colorful pink coiffure.
THERE WAS ROOM enough for the noon rush to sit around picnic tables to savor the root beer floats served by Peterson Thrifty White Drug and Gifts, as well as the hot dog meal deal courtesy of Maynard’s Foods.
HOT DOG SERVER, Elijah Stoesz, of Maynard’s Foods, claimed pink as his color – from his shades to this shoes. (Elijah said credit for his ensemble goes to Melanie Adrian.)
MAYNARD’S FOOD MEAT Manager Kevin Ratzlaff took his duties from the chilly meat locker to the hot grill.
INSIDE MAYNARD’S, ROSALINE McCue stayed the course, pushing stock to its appropriate place – with pink flair in her hair.
NOT TO BE overlooked in Crazy Day craziness, the “late” shift at Maynard’s also got into the action, Elijah Stoesz, left, joining his co-workers Melissa Lohrenz, center and Christian Pfeiffer, right, in thinking pink.
IT WAS NOT planned, but Co-Op True Value Hardware’s Lisa Krahn was ravishing in a pink cast on her left arm – matched but not duplicated in color – by her right arm’s green cast.
UNITED PRAIRIE BANK brought pink to the brink with cupcake cuisine baked and decorated with pride and talent by Amy Wall of Mountain Lake. At right, Jody Metcalf is prepared to clean out the remaining cupcakes.