Two public hearings held as part of the agenda
The public forum time set aside early in the agenda at each Mountain Lake City Council meeting was a crowded one at the council’s Monday, July 7 meeting. Second Avenue residents Karen Stoesz, Mike Hudson, Kristine Hudson, Jason Kruser, Darla Kruser, Jim Quiring, Travis Smith, Jamie Boldt and Rod Hamilton, along with Sixth Avenue resident Diane Radtke, filled much of the forum time with questions about fixing the settling problems following the 2012 construction season on Second, Fifth and Sixth Avenue that are part of the 2012-2014 Utility and Street Project.
Residents shared that they were not adequately informed by the contractor, engineer and city of plans to repair the settling and finish the project.
They asked about the completion date, schedule and scope of work. Discussion was held on extending the completion date. The council informed those at the meeting that Kuechle Underground, Inc. has indicated that they may ask for an extension, but at this time has made no formal request. Information was shared that Kuechle intends to complete all remaining work by Friday, August 1.
Individual property owners asked specific questions about the curb, gutter and asphalt repairs in front of their respective properties.
Those attending the meeting also raised safety concerns, and the suggestion was made that the traffic signs used to slow traffic in 2013 should be put up again. In correlation with their safety concerns, the residents shared with council members about damage to vehicles and other properties, as well as the inconvenience of uneven streets and missing sections of sidewalk.
Deeper questions were also raised concerning the bid-letting process, contractor references and warranty connected with the project.
The council acknowledged that residents have been patient with the work on the project.
Answering the residents’ questions were members of the city council, Mountain Lake City Council Maryellen Suhrhofff and City Engineer Andy Kehren.
Allen Rahn raised a second item during Public Forum, one that dealt with the city’s efforts to enforce junk vehicles, storage of refuse, uncut grass and other public nuisance ordinances. Rahn encouraged the city to treat all property owners equally and to be conscientious about maintaining public property.
The third issue raised at Public Forum time came from Rachel Yoder. Yoder presented a list and photos of Mountain Lake Trail violations she has witnessed from her home. These violations included golf carts on the trail or on the Yoders’ property, dogs off their leashes and people outside the easement.
Joint EDA/council meeting, public hearing on MSC
The first public hearing was held following a joint meeting with the Economic Development Authority (EDA). Members of the EDA in attendance included Chair Mark Hanson, along with Brian Harder and Steve Syverson.
The EDA first approved, followed by the same action by the city council, several resolutions related to the Milk Specialties (MSC) project, the modification of Redevelopment Project #1 and the establishment of a TIF (Tax Increment Financing) District #1-7.
Approved were the modification of Economic Development District #1, along with a Modified Redevelopment Project #1 and establishment TIF District #1-7 within Redevelopment Project #1. Also approved was the adoption of the Modified Redevelopment Plan and the related TIF Plan.
Additionally approved were the terms of a $450,000 Tax Increment Interfund Loan in connection with the proposed TIF District #1-7 within Redevelopment Project #1.
Second public hearing on fire department’s loan
The second hearing held during the course of the council meeting concerned the city’s application for a $43,000 Rural Development, United States Department of Agriculture loan to purchase a new pick-up and custom box for Mountain Lake Fire Department grass fire equipment. The loan is for five years with 4% interest and an annual payment of $9,660.
Following the public hearing, the council adopted a resolution authorizing and providing for the loan amount which will provide a portion of the cost of the new fire truck equipment purchase.
In other business
* Learned that properties in the 2012-2014 Utility/Street Project area will receive special assessments to pay for a portion of the project. The council reviewed and approved a list of 30 properties that will be viewed by a licensed appraiser to determine the increased values of the properties due to the improvement. Due to state statute, the property cannot be assessed more than the increase in market value due to the improvement. Appraisal quotes, based on the list, are being sought.
* Heard a review of the capital purchases plan from Mountain Lake Streets/Parks/Cemetery Superintendent Rick Oeltjenbruns. The scheduled replacement of the payloader in 2015 was discussed. Oeltjenbruns explained that currently the payloader is on a five-year replacement schedule. It is the department’s most-used piece of equipment; most importantly for snow removal. The current payloader has a five-year/2,000 hour extended warranty that eliminates any maintenance expenses. The department’s 2015 Capital Improvement Plan was approved by the council after it was reviewed.
* Directed Fox-Lawson to first prepare a plan to correct significant and possible salary misalignments with the market as identified in the Preliminary Classification and Compensation Study; and then a step-and-grade pay plan for all employees. Council Member David Savage and Mountain Lake City Administrator/Clerk Wendy Meyer will work with Fox-Larson.
* Approved an agreement with Albert Quiram to repair the abandoned bicycles donated by the city for use in the Mountain Lake Area Foundation’s Bike Project. The project gives residents and visitors access to free bikes to be located at three bike racks – Island View Campground, Heritage Village and downtown. Foundation members are working on the purchase of the racks.

* Approved the election judges the primary election, to be held on Tuesday, August 12, as well as the general election, to be held on Tuesday, November 4. Those election judges are Karen Bargen, Lynda Cowell, Barbara Crawford, Diane Englin, Dawn Fast, Vern Goehring, Jane Goehring, Heidi Jahnke, Mary Jefferson, Bertha Klassen, Loyal Klassen, Lois Korns, Linda Letellier, Jerry Logue, Pam Logue, Wendy Meyer, Esther Nelson, Jill Pankratz, Pam Radtke, Miranda Stoesz, Grace Telles, Eileen Thiessen and Mony Vetsouvanh.
* Approved a gambling permit allowing the Mountain Lake Area Chamber of commerce to conduct a raffle at Good Samaritan Society of Mountain Lake-The Village on Tuesday, November 4.
* Called for Request for Proposals (RFP) for city audit preparation for years 2014, 2015 and 2016.
* Heard an update from City Attorney Suhrhoff on the progress being made to clean up properties at 412 Seventh Street and 724 Prince Street.
* Heard that a piece of personal property appears to have been taken from the Mountain Lake Community Center. No action was taken.