Seven Mountain Lake FFA Chapter members attend SGLC
Seven members of the Mountain Lake FFA Chapter – ones who have just completed their freshmen Greenhand year – joined over 140 other FFA members from across Minnesota for the State Greenhand Leadership Conference (SGLC), held at Deep Portage Conservation Reserve near Hackensack from Monday, June 23 to Friday, June 27.
Mountain Lake FFA Chapter members attending this year included Liana Blomgren, Hunter Dahna, Kenna Gardiner, Katherine Hofmann, Rebekah Klassen, Nathan Regier and Kassandra Tellez. They were accompanied by FFA Advisor Lindsey Brown.
The SGLC was organized with the specific idea in mind to create future leaders – and not just as part of the FFA. At the conference, FFA members develop leadership skills for their home chapters, their home communities – and beyond. The end goal is to give personal coaching to first-year high school FFA members; members that come from all corners of the state, represent unique sectors of agriculture and have been recognized as top leaders in their schools.
During the conference, students cover an array of topics during sessions that focus mostly on personal development. Goal setting, professional leadership and career exploration are just few of the topics discovered during the five-day leadership camp.
“Members from all over the state not only learned about what FFA is and what it represents, but they also learned about each other. One of the most memorable nights was when members learned about the dangers of stereotyping. After that night, it was remarkable to see how the members were more open and accepting of others,” commented this year’s Minnesota FFA President, Jack Roessler.
The FFA members had the opportunity to connect with difference individuals outside of sessions during activities such as volleyball, canoeing and hiking. Each night, the state officers shared personal reflections with the campers, and the final day wrapped up camp with a banquet, talent show and dance.
The SGLC serves the Minnesota FFA Association by building talented young individuals. These members often go on to become chapter, region and state leaders within their FFA chapters and communities.
The leadership conference was made possible with financial contributions from CHS, Northland Ford Dealers, Alliance Pipeline and Dr. Curtis Youngs as a special project of the Minnesota FFA Foundation.