Just ‘bead it,’ ‘bead it,’ ‘bead it,’ bead it’

Summer reading program at Mountain Lake Public Library holds kick-off craft program

The 2014 Summer Reading Program – “Paws to Read” – is underway at Mountain Lake Public Library (MLPL). This summer’s special calendar of events for the program kicked off at the library on Wednesday, June 11 at with a “Make & Take” craft activity.

On this Wednesday, young readers were able to “bead it,” with a Perler Bead project. These inexpensive little beads can be arranged in any shape or pattern – whether using a shaped pegboard (horse, turtle, cat, dog, etc.) – or in creating your own design. Choose the bead colors wanted, and place them on the little spikes that are part of the pattern in order to create the desired design. With the application of a little heat from an iron – the bead art protected by parchment paper or ironing paper – the beads stick together like magic.

Scroll down to see some photographs of the young bead artists.

There will be “Make & Take” craft activities each Wednesday afternoon to July 16. These craft days will be a “come-and-go” activities, with children able to stop by to work on a project any time between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. those Wednesday afternoons.

Young readers are encouraged to be sure to register at the library and pick up their calendars or reading logs in order to be able to track their summer reading progress in order to earn prizes. All ages are invited to the special events library programs – except “Game Day”  – BUT preschool-age children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Feature programs will highlight The Zoo Man, The Zinghoppers and “Game Day.”

Following is a complete MLPL summer reading program calendar:

* Monday, June 16 and Tuesday, June 17 – Library is closed due to Pow Wow.

* Wednesday, June 18 – 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., “Make & Take” craft.

* Monday, June 23 – 2 p.m., The Zoo Man.

* Wednesday, June 25 – 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., “Make & Take” craft.

* Wednesday, July 2 –  1 p.m. to 3 p.m., “Make & Take” craft.

* Friday, July 4 and Saturday, July 5 – Library is closed for Fourth of July holiday.

* Wednesday, July 9 – 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., “Make & Take” craft.

* Thursday, July 10 – 1 p.m., “Paws to Read” with The Zinghoppers (an interactive concert event funded by Minnesota’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.

* Tuesday, July 15 – 1 p.m., “Game Day” at the library. Note: This event is for children who have completed kindergarten and older. No preschool-age children, please.)

* Wednesday, July 16 – 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., “Make & Take” craft.


ALANA MOREY CONCENTRATES on creating the desired bead pattern on her horse pegboard.


BRODY KLEVEN CAREFULLY places the colored beads on the little spikes that make up his horse pattern.


MEESHA HOEK SELECTED the turtle pegboard pattern for her Perler Bead project.


LIBRARY EMPLOYEE SANDY Schroeder, right, fills up the bead choice assortments displayed on paper plates as Carson Hopper, left, oversees her work.


FAITH SIMON HAS a large assortment of colorful beads from which to select for her craft project.


LIBRARY EMPLOYEE ROSALIE Dick places a beaded design inside a folded piece of parchment paper . . .


. . . covers it with the paper, and uses an iron to apply heat in order to bond the beads together.


AT THE LIBRARY desk, Harder, left, peels back the parchment paper to reveal the completed project – a dog of Seth Majerus’ own design. Waiting to see the end result are, from left, Lane Wall, Seth Majerus and Eryn Friesen.


TWIN SISTERS SHOW off their completed bead craft projects. At left, Kallyn Morey holds her beaded heart and at right, Brynlee Morey clutches her beaded fan.
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