Pow Wow Kiddie Parade entrants stroll and roll down 3rd Avenue
The Mountain Lake Pow Wow Kiddie Parade was held late Sunday afternoon, June 15, the participating youngsters strolling west down 3rd Avenue from Peterson Thrifty White Drug and Gifts to Mountain Lake City Park. Here are a few of the parade entrants.
ALIYAH MULLEN GETS a “free ride” courtesy of her dad, Jon. Walking alongside is mom, Ashley. The family lives in Mountain Lake.
BROTHERLY/SISTERLY LOVE on full Pow Wow display. Carson Ott, left and Nevaeh Ott, right, the children of Stacy and Michelle Ott of Mountain Lake.
CARSON WALL IS all set to race his dirt bike over the dirt moguls around Mountain Lake. He is the son of Jeremy and Faith Wall of Mountain Lake.
THE GERDES SUPER heroes were out in full force – with Matthew and Nathan as Flash 1 and Flash 2 – and little Grace in the stroller as Superwoman. Back are mom and dad – both grads of Mountain Lake Public High School, Becky (Evers) Gerdes, left and Scott Gerdes, right. The family now resides in Rochester.
THE SILVER KNIGHT and his two princesses came to the parade all the way from Georgia. Knight Zachary, center, and princesses Elizabeth, right and Laura, left, are the children of Tyler and Crystal Lohrenz.