Outdoor activities take center stage at MLES in closing days of 2013-2014 school year

Events included Wednesday’s ‘Wolverine Day,’ Thursday’s traditional sixth-grade-versus-staff softball game

Mountain Lake Public Elementary School (MLES) ‘Wolverine Day’ fun outdoor activities were held Wednesday, May 28, on the large grass field north of MLES. Events included the softball throw, running long jump, a pair of relay races and the tug o’ war.

Students in grades three-through-six participated in the morning, while those in grades kindergarten-through-two took to the grass field in the afternoon.

The event is organized by elementary physical education teachers Adam Bibbs and Tim Kirk.

‘Wolverine Day’ for grades kindergarten-through-two
kindergarten softball throw
KINDERGARTEN GIRLS SOFTBALL throw. Julia Brinkman left and Kelby Janzen, right, are in sync as they wind up for a softball toss with plenty of  “ummmph.”


kindergarten softball tosser
KINDERGARTEN STUDENT JORDAN Khamkhaykeo eyes how high he wants to heave his softball.


first grade running long jump 2
HIS T-SHIRT PROMOTES basketball gym rats, but first-grader Tanner Schultz uses his long stride to make a successful long jump – making him a track-and-field rat


first grade boldt
FIRST-GRADER KHYA Boldt flies through the air in the running long jump.


another brinkman
JUST LIKE PROFESSIONAL basketball player Michael Jordan used to do, first-grader Annika Brinkman uses mouth and tongue -plus concentration – in an all-out effort as she is set to take off in the running long jump.


second grade relay
IN ONE OF THE relay races, runners had to run across the field, place a ring on a cone, give a teacher a “high five,” turn around, grab the ring off the cone and race back to their teammates to hand off the ring to the next in line. Joyce McCue, left, a second-grader places the ring on the cone, and eyes the outstretched, palms-out hands of Title 1 teacher Joan Raabe, right.


AIDAN OLSON, RIGHT, grabs the baton hand-off from Alondra Velasquez, with back to camera at left, and is set to sprint during his leg of the kindergarten relays. At back, watching and waiting patiently for his turn is Jordan Khamkhaykeo.


second grade joses
WITH A SMILE on his face, second-grade student Joses Waldner holds his own in the tug o’ war.


second grade
SECOND-GRADE STUDENTS Mark Geertsema, left and Grant Regier, dig in and – pull! – in the tug o’ war.


karschnik and joey faber
SECOND-GRADERS KARSCHNIK, left and Joey Faber, right, line up together in sychronization as they dig in an tug in the tug o’ war.


first grade karschnik
FIRST-GRADER EVAN Karschnik’s strain to pull and – not give up any ground in the tug-of-war – is clearly written all over this face.


first grade 2
HANGING ON AT the end of their rope for the tug o’ war are Kaili Srixomphou, left and as the anchor, Briley Nickel, right.


first grade 3
THEY GET AN “E” for effort in the tug o’ war. Sawyer Carrison, left and Sawyer and Genesis Lopez, right.


first grade
NOAH HOLMBERG, A first-grade student, has focus and intensity written across his face as he gives his all in the tug o’ war.


first grade dusty falk and folks
TITLE 1 TEACHER Martha Standerwick, center, gives encouragement with gusto to Alexus Lopez, left, as she, along with Dusty Falk, right, participate in the first-grade tug o’ war.


eileen thiessen and mary brown and darcy snyder
KINDERGARTEN PARAPROFESSIONAL EILEEN Thiessen always manages to spread her personal magnetism wherever she goes.


mr. bibbs
ELEMENTARY PHYSICAL EDUCATION teacher – and Activities Director – Adam Bibbs was at the megaphone lining up each Wolverine Day grade-level event.


tim kirk and first grade student
ELEMENTARY AND HIGH School physical education teacher Tim Kirk, left, assists first-grader Kaili (Fuon) Srixompou, in getting the knot out of his tennis shoe – so he can start running again in the relay races.


mr. wassman congrats second grader
MOUNTAIN LAKE PUBLIC Elementary School Principal Karl Wassman, kneeling right, gives a “high five” to Aiden Mendoza, left, a second-grade student, as he earned a gold in the running long jump.


lining up second grade
IT TAKES PLENTY of organization to get the students lined up to participate in each event. In this photo, second-grade students are being split into groups by back, from left, Martha Standerwick, Title 1 teacher; Crystal Fast, second-grade teacher; behind, Principal Wassman; Christine Johnson, elementary music teacher and Kristine Friesen, second-grade teacher. The students in line are, from left, Wyatt Bergling, Kaila Blom, Annika Brinkman, Joey Faber, Mark Geertsema, Makiya Hartwig, Storie Hoody, Chase Radtke, Aiden Mendoza, Kobe Saelee and Chase Jensen


kindergarten ashlyn pfeiffer and holmberg boy
STRETCHED OUT ON the grass watching the ‘Wolverine Day’ events unfold before them are kindergarten classmates Ashlyn Pfeiffer left and Aiden Holmberg, right.


first grade girls
THESE GIRLS ARE reflecting on their year in first-grade – and looking ahead to second-grade. From left, Genesis Lopez, Aayla Radtke and Elyza Buller.


secon grade boys
WHEN NOT OUT in the field participating in events, students had the opportunity to do some final days bonding, including these second-grade boys. From left, Chase Radtke, Aiden Mendoza with his back to the camera, Mark Geertsema, Deaven Khamkhaykeo and Kody Wassman.


first grade congratulations
ASIDE FROM GETTING the students outside in the sunshine during the final days of school to get some exercise, “Wolverine Day” promotes patience, cooperation and teamwork – as emphasized by the first-grade relay team members offering congrats hand slaps to a team member who had completed the run – as another starts his leg, at right. From left, Noah Holmberg, Victoria Gonzalez, Lenin Marcy, Trinh Dang-Teumboun, Sawyer Carrison, Khya Boldt, Kyle Stidham, Elza Buller and – taking off – Kaili Srixomphou.


If you line it up – they will come; sixth-grade students take on school staff in softball

The traditional sixth-grade students versus staff softball game was held on the afternoon of the final day of this school year – Thursday, May 29. The event recognizes the end of elementary school for the students as they head to high school next fall.

Below are a few photos of the sixth-graders and some of the staff members who participated in the “diamond duel.”


SIXTH-GRADE TEACHER Kyle Blomgren overslid third base – but was safe – not so much his knees.


boy i should know
SIXTH-GRADER JOEL Salgado fields a ball at first base and throws it across the diamond in an attempt to throw out Mr. Blomgren at third.


SIXTH-GRADE STUDENT Anna Kirk takes off for first after she punched the ball through the left side of the infield.


SCHOOL SOCIAL WORKER Amy Hartzler, right, was surprised that she fielded the hit ball in center field – but proof is in the photo. First-grade teacher, Kim Blomgren, who was in left field, was also a witness to the nab.


JOSIAH QUINTERO, RIGHT, ignores the “talk” from sixth-grade teacher – and staff catcher – Annette Kunkel, left, and punches the ball out into right field.


KEEP YOUR EYES on the ball all the hitting experts say. Just look at at the focus fourth-grade teacher Stephanie Willaby has on the softball as it approaches home plate.


BUT . . . MAYBE HER son, sixth-grader Brett Willaby, was able to scoop up the hit and throw out his mom at first base.


STAFF PITCHER AND special education (EBD) teacher Tim Snyder watches the play on his hit ball as he rounds first and motors towards second-base. Cheering him on in the background are his teammates, Stephanie Willaby, left, and Kyle Blomgren, right.
STAFF PITCHER AND special education (EBD) teacher Tim Snyder watches the play on his hit ball as he rounds first and motors towards second-base. Cheering him on in the background are his teammates, Stephanie Willaby, left, and Kyle Blomgren, right.


SIXTH-GRADE STUDENT Emilee Xayanourom watches the ball into her glove.


adam k
ADAM KARSCHNIK LOVES the location of this pitch as he swings back the bat in preparation to meet the ball.


"SHE'S SAFE!" Sixth-grade teacher Kyle Blomgren's arm motions verify that fact as sixth-grader Janessa Johnson sneaks onto first base behind the first baseman, MLES Principal Karl Wassman.
“SHE’S SAFE!” Sixth-grade teacher Kyle Blomgren’s arm motions verify that call as fact as sixth-grader Janessa Johnson sneaks onto first base behind the first baseman, MLES Principal Karl Wassman. Playing in left field is custodian Bob Jass.


spencer khamvongsa
SPENCER PALM-KHAMVONGSA follows with his eyes the flight of his hit ball out into left field.


CUSTODIAN BOB JASS sends the softball into right field, just inside the first-base bag.


jon faber bob's ball
ONE OF JASS’ hits flew over the heads of the sixth-grade outfielders – and rolled all the way to the playground area. Chasing it down and getting the ball back into play was sixth-grader Jon Faber.


SOPHIE CARRISON takes her turn as sixth-grade catcher.


MLES PRINCIPAL KARL Wassman finds the “sweet spot” as bat meets ball.


group hug
FOLLOWING THE INNINGS of play – after which everyone was heralded as a winner – sixth-grade teacher Annette Kunkel was mobbed by students for a final group hug.
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