Clean-up around the shoreline of Mountain Lake held on Wednesday afternoon
A Lake Commission-sponsored Mountain Lake clean-up was held Wednesday afternoon, May 14, calling in assistance from fourth-through-sixth-grade students from Mountain Lake Public Elementary School, fourth-grade teacher Matt Anderson and sixth-grade teacher Annette Kunkel, Lake Commission members Jean Haberman, Jim Peterson and Dave Bucklin – as well as a quartet of Conservation Corps workers.
Following are some photographs of the “Operation Spring Clean Sweep”:
A MEMBER OF the Minnesota Conservation Corps, left, scans an area along the Mountain Lake Trail that had recently underwent a clean sweep pick-up. Joining him are fifth-graders Noah Curry (behind), Hunter Peterson and Daniel Gardiner.
FOURTH-GRADER KADEN Haberman, left, adds some collected trash to the plastic garbage bag held by Matt Anderson, fourth-grade teacher at Mountain Lake Public Elementary School, right. Behind are two more fourth-grade students, Sierra Perkins, left and Jasmine Davison, right.
FOUR MEMBERS OF the Minnesota Conservation Corps joined in with the volunteer cleaner-uppers to pick up trash around Mountain Lake. The quartet had been working earlier in the week planting trees of all kinds. One member of the Corps, above, left, walks alongside his Cottonwood County Soil & Water Conservation District “boss,” Dave Bucklin, right – who also happens to be a member of the Lake Commission.
A BUSY GROUP of trash collectors tote their plastic garbage bags of junk, under the supervision of Jim Peterson, back left, member of the Lake Commission and a Minnesota Conservation Corps member, front left. Sixth-grade students in the photo are front-to-back, Brett Willaby, Lance Krueger, Spencer Khamvongsa, Isaac Grev, Kade Kremmin, Josiah Quintero, Jon Faber, Adam Karschnik, Sam Paulson and Fletcher Hanson. (And, yes, the bicycle on which Paulson is riding was one of the items found in the clean-up.)
SIXTH-GRADER FLETCHER HANSON carted a lot of trash back to “base.”
THIS IS JUST one of three “junk piles” cleaned up by the volunteers from around Mountain Lake.