‘Fire & Ice’-themed Grand March adds thrill and chill to Butterfield-Odin’s prom
Butterfield-Odin Public High School upperclassmen and women celebrated the close of the 2013-2014 school year with annual prom activities this Saturday, May 10. The “Fire & Ice”-themed Grand March kicked off the event, putting a thrill and chill in the school’s gymnasium air.
All prom activities were held at the school. Following the Grand March, hypnotist Gary Tyson was on-stage. A palm reader and caricaturist continued the evening’s program line-up. The remainder of the night – and on into the early morning hours of Sunday, May 11 – featured “glow-in-the-dark” volleyball, three-legged volleyball and a movie.
Below are a few photographs of those taking part in the Grand March:
AUSTIN FRIEDRICH AND Brittany Wensauer focus on the crowd in the bleachers.
AARON WOLLSCHLAGER AND Miranda Thurston soak up the “Fire & Ice.”
EDVIN PEREZ EXTENDS his arm for his date, Arely Anaya.
TREVOR DAVIS AND Haley Kaehler follow the shiny silver road.
DANIEL CARREON AND Raquel Guillen brighten the scene with colorful gown and tie and coat pocket handkerchief accents.
PAUL HANSON AND Glenda Hector face the paparazzi (i.e., family and friends as photographers).
CODY STEINBRINK AND Rose Martinez walk past the crowd.
SMILING UP AT the crowd are Calvin Miller and Mackenzie Blickem.
AUSTIN HEFFELE AND Alicia San Miguel make the walk along the shiny silver pathway.
A SMILING RANDY Lopez and Kathy Zarate pause for a photo op.
DYLAN HOVDET AND Alexa Heffele make their way under the “Fire & Ice” half-and-half archway.
ROSS BLOMGREN AND Hayley Johnson punctuate the color purple.
AARON WOLLSCHLAGER, LEFT, was left “seeing stars” after his Grand March final walk-through, while Jordan Clark, right, leads the way.
THE CONNELL TWINS (plus a cousin). Holly Connell and Harley Connell give a lift to Harley’s twin sister, Jordyn Connell, who has the opportunity to show off her knee-high laced wedge heels.
TAKING A STROLL. From left, Austin Heffele, Alexa Heffele and Cody Steinbrink.
LAMAR SENGSOUVANH AND Aracely Zarate show off their dance moves during the final walk-through.
MASTERS OF CEREMONY weaved their way through the Grand March at its close. Left, Nathan Fast, Butterfield-Odin Public School English teacher and right, Dennis Stade, Butterfield-Odin Public High School social studies teacher.
EVEN BUTTERFIELD-ODIN Public School Superintendent Lisa Shellum, center, had the opportunity to be center stage and walk the silver “carpet,” escorted by Derek Meyer, left and Austin Heffele, right.