Bowling to benefit

Event raises funds for Good Samaritan of Mountain Lake, St. James

The 3rd annual “Good Samaritan Bowl” was held this past Saturday, May 3 and Sunday, May 4, at Memory Lanes in St. James. The event helps to raises funds to benefit both Good Samaritan of Mountain Lake and Good Samaritan of St. James.

Below are photographs taken during the two days of activities, courtesy of the Good Samaritan Bowl Facebook page:


TIM SWOBODA, ADMINISTRATOR at both Mountain Lake and St. James channels the spirit of an "island girl."
TIM SWOBODA, ADMINISTRATOR at both Mountain Lake and St. James channels the spirit of an “island girl.”


good sam bowl mark pankratz
MARK PANKRATZ OF Maintenance at Good Samaritan of Mountain Lake-The Village, demonstrates the proper bowling follow-through.


good sam bowl - buhler bowl
THE BUHLER BOWL team from Butterifled. Seated front, Travis Elg, left and Alison Elg, right. Standing back, from left, Jordan Stoesz, Emily Buhler, Phil Buhler and Karen Buhler.


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SAMI DOUGHERTY RECEIVES her paparazzi come-uppance.


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GARY FRIESEN, CENTER, dressed to the nines in shirt and tie, joins the Braun connection at the Good Samaritan Bowl. Surrounding Gary are, from left, Betty Braun, Sam Xayanourom, Emilee Xayanourom and Angela Braun.


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TAKING AIM AT the pins were Taylor Nesmoe, left and Alyssa Nesmoe, right.


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DEREK SWOBODA DEMONSTRATES that concentration helps when in the lane.


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JOINING FORCES FOR the Bowlaganza. From left, Caden Swoboda, Kade Wassman, Tim Swoboda, Kay Swoboda, Derek Swoboda, Aleysha Schutz and Krista Swoboda.


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WAITING THEIR TURN at the line are Amber Hughes, left and Maria Carter, right, both employees at Good Samaritan of Mountain Lake-The Village, Amber as Activity Director and Maria as Nursing Assistant.


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THE TEAM OF spitfires from Sanford Health Mountain Lake Clinic


good sam bowl - cheesehead
CHEESEHEAD FOR A cause, Marlene Wolff.


THE TEAM FROM Peterson Thrifty White Drug and Gifts of Mountain Lake. From left, Marlene Wolff, Cyndi Boldt, Sue Gohr and Mary Classen.
THE TEAM FROM Peterson Thrifty White Drug and Gifts of Mountain Lake. From left, Marlene Wolff, Cyndi Boldt, Sue Gohr and Mary Classen.
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