Saturday’s Christmas in the Park fund-raiser focuses on a royal tea, activities
It was an event fit for a princess. This past Saturday morning, May 24, a Christmas in the Park fund-raiser, spearheaded by sisters and Mountain Lake natives Cassie Harder and Brittany Winters, focused on a royal tea and activities centering around the Disney movie, “Frozen.”
Tea, treats, games, a trading post – and drawings for prizes – were led by one of the stars of the movie, Princess Elsa. The celebratory Tea with Princess Elsa was held in Mountain Lake city Park.
In attendance were over 110 princesses, princes, parents and friends – and raised more than $600 to go towards the Christmas holiday light show.
PRINCESS ELSA CHARMS a young future princess.
EMILY ADRIAN, LEFT, and daughter, Claire, right, both give bent to their creative side.
A FUTURE PRINCESS, practicing wearing a tiara – while enjoying a powdered snowball. Star, right, is pictured with with her mom, Jenny Naxay, left.
PRINCESSES OF ALL ages were at the event wearing bejeweled crowns, including Kris Hopper, right, who was there with her daughter Tienna, left. They were savoring the tea and treats which featured powdered snowballs, Olaf’s summer garden strawberries, Sven’t forest friend crackers and Anna’s favorite iced tea.
LYDIA CAVANAUGH LIFTS her gown in order to complete her hopscotch turn.
PRACTICING HER PRINCESS smile – minus one lost tooth – is Ashlyn Pfeiffer.
CYENNA VOSHAGE-HAMEPEL rockin’ the Olaf headband.
DIANE HARDER, RIGHT, assists a young princess, left, with the game, “Pin the Nose on Olaf.”