Significant harbinger – Odin Craft Mill Spring Show days
The robins and ducks have returned to the area, the grass is turning green, the tulips are bravely peeking up out of the ground – and the Odin Craft Mill’s Spring Shows kicked off in Odin, Minnesota today (Thursday, April 24).
Yes, spring has returned to the southwest Minnesota prairie.
The Spring Shows will continue tomorrow (Friday, April 25) and run through through Sunday, May 27 and will reappear for a lengthened second weekend, going Thursday, May 1 through Sunday, May 4.
There are over 150 consignors from five states displaying yard art, jewelry and crafts (including scullers, rosettes, lefse, fudge, candies, jams and jellies, honey, Kettle Korn , and fruit breads) – all in one place. Items are spread throughout the authentic 1923 Odin Feed Mill, complete with the old grinding and mixing rooms (and the original equipment, including the over-head hoist and old warehouse – to the 1917 Montgomery Wards Home with its original floors, wallpaper and woodwork -and on to the 1927 Gordon Van Tine Barn.
The conjoined concoction of the craft corners creation that is the Odin Craft Mill is the brainchild of Nancy Olson of Butterfield.
Additionally, lunch is served in the Odin Feed Mill’s (heated) Warehouse.
Hours for the show are Thursday, Friday and Saturday – 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday – 12 noon to 5 p.m.
Below are some photographs from the opening hours of the Odin Craft Mill’s Spring Show on Thursday, April 24:
ALTHOUGH IT WAS a wet, windy and chilly Thursday morning, April 24 – the people were there before the 10 a.m. opening of the Odin Craft Mill’s Spring Shows. The shows continue through this Sunday and then run again next Thursday through Sunday.
IT WAS SQUEEZE-through room only in the various stocked sections of the Odin Craft Mill – in this case, parts of the 1923 Odin Feed Mill.
THE VIEW UP into the haymow of the 1927 Gordon Van Tine Barn (complete with historical Odin memorabilia to add to the nostalgic feel) – and down the staircase to below – and more rooms to explore for decorative (and even food) treasures.
EVERY SPARE SQUARE foot of the 1917 Montgomery Wards Home is filled with craft decor – even on the walls up the down staircase.
THE LAWN (AND porch) outside the 1917 Montgomery Wards Home is scattered with an eclectic array of yard art.
FOLKS SCRAMBLING TO find the perfect items to express their personal and individual tastes in-and-around-the-home can also enjoy a meal in the Feed Mill’s heated warehouse – and be greeted by Craft Mill Volunteer Bev Carlson – who will serve up the dish of choice and top off your pumpkin pie with a huge dollop of whipped cream.
LORETTA SCHMITZ, MOM of Nancy Olson, who turned her dream of the Odin Craft Mill into a real life crafty corner, handles the check-out at the lunch counter.
NANCY OLSON, RIGHT, who pulled together all the buildings that comprise the Odin Craft Mill, visits with patrons in the lunch and check-out area – which is actually the 1923 Odin Feed Mill’s Warehouse.
JULENE, A VOLUNTEER at the Odin Craft Mill (all assistants volunteer their time) rings up the bill for a couple of Karen Knigge-painted decorative items – along with a package of d-e-e-e-licious lefse.
ODIN CRAFT MILL Volunteers Sharon Berg, left and Miriam Monroe, right, share duties at the cash register as they tally up customers’ selected items.