Mountain Lake Public High School 2011 graduate is member of cast
THE UNIVERSITY OF Sioux Falls (USF) Theatre Department will be presenting, onstage in the Jeschke Fine Arts Center, the production, “Pilgrim’s Progress,” with curtains Friday, April 11 through Sunday, April 13 and Tuesday, April 15 through Thursday, April 17. A 2011 Mountain Lake Public High School graduate, Jill Langland, is a member of the student cast. She is a junior majoring in elementary education, with minors in ELL (English Language Learner), reading and Spanish, along with certification in Pre-K and Kindergarten. John Bunyan’s 17-century classic Christian allegory is the story of a dream in which the hero – named Pilgrim – escapes the City of Destruction and starts a search for the City of God. Pilgrim’s travels to the Celestial City take him through iconic destinations. He fails often, stumbles through on grace, struggles through mental and physical tests, goes on alone, and learns how to go forward with a true friend, always showing us how terrifying and exhilarating is the experience of becoming human. The 90-minute production will have a curtain time of 7:30 p.m. on April 11-12 and April 15-17 and at 2 p.m. on April 13. Cast members include Donny Minor, Damon Brown, Jessica Giannantonio, Kari Alise Lena, Addie Oliver, Debbi Jones, Ryan Howe, Derek Runge, David Morel and Jill Langland. The director is Joe Obermueller. Tickets are $8 and $10.