B-OHS Drama Department presents ‘Peter Pan’ on gym stage this past weekend
PETER PAN (ROSS Blomgren) in deep contemplation over his ne’er-ending troubles with Captain Hook.
The Butterfield-Odin Public High School (B-OHS) Drama Department presented the production, “Peter Pan,” this past Friday, April 25 and Saturday, April 26, on the school’s large gymnasium stage. A performance for senior citizens was additionally held Friday afternoon, April 25, at 1 p.m.
Peter Pan is a character created by Scottish novelist and playwright, J. M. Barrie. Peter Pan is a mischievous boy – who can fly – and never, ever grows up. He spends his never-ending childhood collected adventures on the small island of Never Land, as leader of his gang – The Lost Boys – and meeting mermaids, Native Americans, fairies – including Tinker Bell – pirates – most notably Captain Hook – and, once-in-awhile, ordinary children from the world outside of Never Land – such as John, Wendy and Michael Darling.
As Peter Pan states as his life’s philosophy: “All you need is faith and trust . . . and a little bit of pixie dust!”
Director of the play Lisa Shellum (as well as piano accompanist), is also Butterfield-Odin Public School Superintendent, while the school’s vocal director and teacher, Caley Danielson, was the assistant and vocal director.
Cast members include:
Leader of The Lost Boys and his Pixie Dust Friend
Peter Pan – Ross Blomgren
Tinkerbell – Miranda Thurston
The Darling Family
Mr. Darling – Jose Garcia
Mrs. Darling – Miranda Thurston
John Darling – Aaron Wollschlager
Wendy Darling – Mackenzie Blickem
Michael Darling – Devon Aguilar
The Lost Boys
Slightly – Julie Saunders
Tootles – Alicia San Miguel
Curly – Mercedes Lenning
Twin 1 – Jordyn Connell
Twin 2 – Harley Connell
The Pirates
Captain Hook – Dylan Hovdet
Pirate Smee – Austin Heffele
Pirates – Wong Vue, Kylie Fisch, Brianna Ringen, Krisana Xayaphonesongkham and Peyton Hanson
The Native Americans
Tiger Lily – Chelsea Sykes
Chief – Mia Rodriguez
Native Americans – Rachel Joramo, Madison Heffele, Heather Pankratz and Glenda Hector
Stage Crew
Crew Manager – Derek Meyer
Sound System – Jordan Clark
Lights – Cody Steinbrink and Rose Martinez
Costumes and Make-Up – Rose Martinez
Director/Piano Accompanist – Lisa Shellum
Assistant/Vocal Director – Caley Danielson
TWO OF THE Darling siblings – John (Aaron Wollschlager) and Wendy (Mackenzie Blickem) spend time together in the bedroom of their home – waiting on the chance of a visit from Peter Pan.
DUELING MEDICINES. MR. Darling (Jose Garcia), right, challenges his son, Michael (Devon Aguilar), left, to take his medicine – at the same time he takes his (well . . . maybe).
TINKERBELL (MIRANDA THURSTON) quietly (aside from her ringing bells) enters the Darling siblings’ bedroom through the open window as she searches for Peter Pan. (Thurston had a duo role in the play – that of Mrs. Darling)
MICHAEL DARLING (DEVON Aguilar) – tucked into his big bear bed with his Teddy Bear – is supposed to be sleeping, but instead, is intently listening the conversation between Peter Pan, Tinkerbell and his sister, Wendy.
PETER PAN (ROSS Blomgren), left, grabs Wendy Darling (Mackenzie Blickem), right, by the hand to take her on a flight through the night sky above London in order to prove that, indeed, he is a boy who can fly.
WENDY DARLING (MACKENZIE Blickem), left, also finds it difficult to say goodbye to the children’s canine companion, Nana (Rachel Joramo), right.
IN ORDER TO prove to The Lost Boys that indeed, Wendy Darling is their mother, Peter Pan (Ross Blomgren), left, dangles the “kiss” necklace given to him by Wendy, before the eyes of Slightly (Julie Saunders), one of the “Boys,” right. Seen behind are Twin #2 (Harley Connell), left and Twin #1 (Jordyn Connell), right.
IN MARCH THE pirates – their leader, Captain Hook (Dylan Hovdet), left, at the front of the procession. Following on the heels of Hook are Pirate (Wong Lee), center and Pirate Smee (Austin Heffele), right.
AS “MOTHER” OF The Lost Boys, as well as her younger brother and sister, Wendy Darling (Mackenzie Blickem), left, shares bedtime stories with her younger charges. Lost Boys at right are, from left, Tootles (Alicia San Miguel), Curly (Mercedes Lenning), Twin #2 (Harley Connell) and Twin #1 (Jordyn Connell).
THE NATIVE AMERICANS are always there as back-up, helping protect Peter Pan and The Lost Boys from Captain Hooks and his crew of pirates. Leading his group is Tiger Lily (Chelsea Sykes), front. At left are Native American (Glenda Hector), left and Native American (Madyson Heffele), right – and at right, Native American (Rachel Joramo), left and Native American (Heather Pankratz), right.
CAPTAIN HOOK’S PIRATES – Pirate (Hayley Johnson), left, Pirate (Peyton Hanson, second from left and Pirate Smee (Austin Heffele), right, capture and tie up Tiger Lily (Chelsea Sykes), center, in order to entice Peter Pan to come out to save her – thereby presenting an opportunity for his own capture.
PETER PAN (ROSS Blomgren) doesn’t take the bait – and instead – turns the tables on Captain Hook – even tricking Hook’s own pirates into thinking that the Captain smells of cod fish.
WHILE CAPTAIN HOOK (Dylan Hovdet) defends himself from the “anonymous” accusation of smelling like a cod fish . . .
. . . PIRATE (PEYTON HANSON), left and Pirate Smee (Austin Heffele), right – as well as the rest of Captain Hook’s cadre are busy plugging their noses from the stench of the cod fish – Peter Pan is able to free Tiger Lily and make an escape.
CAPTAIN HOOK (DYLAN Hovdet) hatches another plan to capture Peter Pan that includes placing a sleeping potion in Peter’s medicine – and then – when he is fast asleep, take him to the Pirates’ Ship as their captive.
HOWEVER, THE GOOD Captain’s plan is foiled once again. Tinkerbell (Miranda Thurston), left, who saw Captain Hook place the sleeping powder in Peter’s (Ross Blomgren), right, medicine, stops him – and instead – drinks it herself, falling into a deep, deep sleep. So deep a sleep that the only way Tink can be saved is by crowd participation in cheering for her survival.
THIS IS IT – the final confrontation – a duel with swords between Peter Pan (Ross Blomgren), left and Captain Hook (Dylan Hovdet), right. Reacting to the swordfight are back, from left, Michael Darling (Devon Aguilar), Lost Boy Curly (Mercedes Lenning) and Pirate Smee (Austin Heffele). Peter defeats Hook and all are safe. However, The Lost Boys decide to return with Wendy, John and Michael Darling to become adopted members of the Darling family – but Peter returns to Never Land, vowing to never grow up. Meanwhile, Wendy promises to visit Peter once a year – every year.
DIRECTOR LISA SHELLUM addresses those gathered in the school gym Friday afternoon for the Senior Citizen matinee.
ASSISTANT/VOCAL DIRECTOR Caley Danielson sets up some of the technology utilized in the production.