MLHS Student Council-sponsored Bloodmobile is a pints-filled success.
The Mountain Lake Public High School (MLHS) Student Council-sponsored visit by the American Red Cross Bloodmobile on Tuesday, April 1 was a success – even though it fell on a day traditionally dedicated to April Fool’s Day jokes. Students, along with a smattering of adults, including those on the school staff, took seriously the fact that blood donations help save lives – and gave that gift of life in plentiful fashion. Forty pints of blood were collected.
Below are a few photographs from the Bloodmobile:
LEVI KASS, A senior at Mountain Lake Public High School, right, celebrates along with American Red Cross Bloodmobile employees, left, following his first-ever donation of a pint of blood.
A PHLEBOTOMIST WITH the American Red Cross Bloomobile checks Lydia Hildebrandt’s arm for a good vein from which to collect the junior’s blood donation.
ETHAN KARSCHNIK CHECKS out the blood collection end-steps being taking by the American Red Cross Bloodmobile phlebotomist as his pint bag nears the fill line.
TIBBY ESTRADA MAKES it clear that he made it through his blood donation – and is proud of his support in the effort.
CARTER KIRK TAKES his first-time blood donation in stride as he passes the time listening to his tunes. The senior was donating a double-red cell pint.
TOWN & COUNTRY Day Care Director Grace Kratovil, right, made it across campus to the school’s auditorium to donate the gift of life – a pint of blood. At left, an American Red Cross Bloodmobile phlebotomist completes the fine details as Grace finishes up the collection.
HEATHER FREDERICKSEN, LEFT, is being prepped for her double-red cell blood donation by a worker with the American Red Cross Bloodmobile, right.