List of volunteer coaches approved
The Mountain Lake Public School (MLPS) School Board made the decision at their Monday, March 24 meeting to move forward with the grant application process on the Monsanto grant opportunity as presented by the school’s Agriculture Department.
List of volunteer coaches
Golf – Wade Nelson, Nik Strom, Chad Pedersen and John Weir.
Softball – Mike Stoesz.
Trap Shooting – Tom Appel, Richc Gisch, Kirk Kratovil, Wade Pfeiffer, Al O’Bannon, Mike Bjerum, Dennis Siebert, Joan Engstrom, Larry Brandt, Aaron Sellers, Ken Bradford, Clint Marcy, Justin Voshage, Taylor Nesmore, Kevin Ella and Brian Bergling.
In other business
* Approved the posting for the position of Chemistry/Science Teacher.
* Accepted the resignation of special education teacher Darcy Snyder and approved the posting for a Special Education teacher.
* Moved the next school board meeting to Monday, April 28, 7 p.m., in Room #1 in the high school.
* Learned that Dr. Michael K. Rich of SMAC (Southwest Marketing Advisory Center) from Southwest Minnesota State University-Marshall, had sent a letter outlining the next steps concerning the survey results relating to school facility issues, and the dates of Tuesday, April 8 and Thursday, April 10, on which to hold community meetings.