Mountain Lake Relief Sale a funding help towards that cause
The Mountain Lake MCC (Mennonite Central Committee) Relief Sale – which raises funds for worldwide relief, development and peace – was held Saturday, April 12, 2014, with sites in two locations.
The event kicked off with a verenike meal at First Mennonite Church in Mountain Lake. Verenike is a Ukrainian/Mennonite ethnic main dish that features cottage cheese pockets topped by a cream sauce usually accompanied by ham – although in this case the side meat was pork sausage.
The live auction and silent auctions were held during the afternoon at Mountain Lake Christian (MLC). To top off activities, bake sale items were also for sale at MLC.
Each year in the United States and Canada, thousands of volunteers come together to raise money for MCC. In 2012, over $5 million was raised to help MCC respond to basic needs and work for peace and justice around the world. Relief Sale events and auctions offer participants a little bit of everything – quilts, artwork, crafted woodwork, homemade foods, antiques and crafts.
MCC’s worldwide actions pursue justice and build peace, assure there is enough food for all for today and tomorrow, improve access to the vital resource of drinking water, meet the needs of individuals following emergencies and disasters, bring education to within the reach of all members in the Global Family and take action to bring an end to AIDS.
The MCC motto, “Relief, development and peace in the name of Christ,” takes MCC workers to many places in the United States and Canada and around the world.