Annual Mountain Lake Easter Egg Hunt’s participating youngsters do the egg scramble
Mountain Lake City Park was transformed into Easter Egg Hunt Central on Saturday morning, April 19, as the annual Mountain Lake Area Chamber of Commerce-sponsored egg hunt attracted kids of all ages. Children were divided into three “hunting party” age groups: ages 0-4, ages 5-7 and ages 8 – 10.
The children hustled to collect as many as they could amass of the overĀ 2,000 Easter eggs filled with candy treats – as well as other eggs containing coupons from area businesses for special prizes. One lucky egg even had inside of it a very special prize donated by KDOM radio – a Chanhassen Dinner Theatre pass for two to see “The Little Mermaid” (a $150 value)!
Also making an appearance for a special meet-and-greet – on what is a very busy weekend indeed for him – was the world-renowned Easter Bunny. The celebration’s special Rabbit also handed out treats as he greeted folks.
ONE OF THE Easter Bunny’s helpers – Emily Adrian, member of the Mountain Lake Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors – scatters the colorful Easter Eggs filled with surprises.
ROB ANDERSON, DIRECTOR of the Mountain Lake Area Chamber of Commerce, also gave the Rabbit a helping hand prior to the Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday morning, April 19, in Mountain Lake City Park, by posting the designated egg hunt age areas.
PHOTOGRAPHIC PROOF THAT people of all ages L-O-O-O-V-E the Easter Bunny. From left, Ken Classen, of Mountain Lake; Mr. Bunny himself and Brian Janzen of Mountain Lake, holding his daughter, Hallie, who is keeping an eye on the Cottontail – giving, not really the “stinkeye” – but rather, a cautious watch overthe floppy-eared Hare.
WORKING THE CROWD and becoming their favorite is easy – especially when you are handing out M & Ms. The Easter Bunny, left, greets Landon Brugman, right, along with Landon’s mom, Sonia Brugman, center. The Brugmans are from Mountain Lake.
AND THEY ARE off! The stampede in search of Easter Eggs for kids ages 5 to 7 made a quick clean sweep of that age group’s designated egg hunt area.
RUNNING ON HIS tiptoes, five-year-old Jason Wright of Mountain Lake sprints from egg-to-egg, filling his plastic pail.
DARFUR’S ABBY SONNABEND is all smiles, her eyes sparkling behind her sunglasses, as she displays her basket chock full of the Easter Eggs she collected during the hunt.
GRANDMA RONDA PORATH of Windom had her grandchildren at Mountain Lake City Park for the Easter Egg Hunt, but her grandson, Trysten Reisdorfer is not too sure about the size of this Rabbit – but then, the Easter Bunny is a special Rabbit – not anything like the flop-ears that usually hope around the yard (they are cousins, yes, however).
GENESIS GARNICA OF Mountain Lake gives the Easter Bunny a very close study – making sure she will recognize him again next year.
TIME TO CHECK out the results of the hunt. Grandpa Tony Nichols, left, and Grandma Denise Nichols, right, of Windom, help their grandchildren, Macee Duerksen, back and Cole Duerksen, front, daughter and son of Phil and Candice Duerksen of Windom, open up their collected Easter Eggs in order to claim the treat or prize tucked inside.