Special event for St. Paddy’s Day in Mountain Lake

American Red Cross Bloodmobile collects blood donations

It was a special event for St. Patrick’s Day in Mountain Lake – despite the fact that few in the area are of Irish heritage. That event was a visit from the American Red Cross Bloodmobile on Monday, March 17, in the Mountain Lake Community Center, to collect blood donations from area residents.

Below are a few photos following the chronology of a Bloodmobile visit.

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AT THE BEGINNING, the bar code emblazoned on the blood donor card is scanned, read and verified in the computer’s software database. Above, Jay Schied has his turn at the front desk welcoming donors.


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FOLLOWING A CHECK of a donor’s pulse, blood pressure and hemoglobin level, as well as the answering of pertinent blood donor health questions, the donor makes his or her way to the area of major action – the blood donation cots. Dr. Alvin Wiens, left, is being prepped to give his pint by Amanda of the American Red Cross Bloodmobile.


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FOLLOWING THE DONATION of 16 ounces (or if the donor is set for a double-red donation) the blood collected is prepared for storage and transport – with technology prominent to ensure accuracy with matching bar codes for each donor registered.


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A TRIP TO the canteen for water, juice or coffee and snack replenishes the body and then the donor is set to leave – knowing full well – as Elmer Buller’s sticker testifies – “I make a difference!” To date, Elmer, of Mountain Lake, has donated 17 gallons – plus four pints – in his lifetime.
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