Local skaters participate in Windom Area Figure Skating Club’s annual event
Looking ahead to a brighter and positive future was at the center of this year’s Windom Area Figure Skating Club’s 37th-annual Ice Show – “Skates for Hope” – performed Saturday evening March 8 and Sunday afternoon, March 9. The Ice Show is the finale of the ice skating lesson season, which began last October. Skaters in the club – both female and male – range in age from three years to 18-years-old, and hail from Windom – as well as Mountain Lake, Butterfield, Bingham Lake, Heron Lake, Jackson and Lakefield. This year approximately 110 skaters participated.
Skating instructors this year included Rashelle Weicherding, who was also the Ice Show Director; Kyla Hoffman; Krystina Peterson and Anne Raetz. Student instructors for the season were Amanda Muller, Emily Hentges, Kayleigh Fritz and Destiny Bristow.
Local skaters included Caitlin Brandt, Chanah Brandt, Christianna Green, Meesha Hoek, Alana Morey, Kelby Janzen, Thomas Green and Jacob Green and Jaelin Renquist and Jadrah Renquist, all of Mountain Lake; McKenna Steinbrink of Butterfield; Anika Fast and Jillian Ketzenberg, both of Bingham Lake and Kamile VanDyke of Comfrey.
A few dads even got some ice time – yes, on skates – for the dad/daughter number, “You’re My Hero.” Those local dads included Larry Brandt (Caitlin Brandt and Chanah Brandt), Jerry VanDyke (Kamile VanDyke), Trent Hoek (Meesha Hoek), Jon Ketzenberg (Jillian Ketzenberg) and Dave Green (Christianna Green).
Judy Green serves as Chairperson of the Windom Figure Skating club, as well as Ice Show Coordinator. Additional members of the Board of Directors are Tawana Renquist, Vice-Chairperson; Sherri Negen, Treasurer; Michele Johnson, Secretary; Jen Olsen, Pasat Chairperson; Nene Smestad, Lesson Coordinator and Brenda Muller, Tanya Smith and Kris Ketzenberg, all Directors.