Mountain Lake City Council holds meeting February 3

Move through light agenda, public hearing in 24 minutes

The Mountain Lake City Council moved quickly through its Monday, February 3 meeting and public hearing, completing the agenda in 24 minutes.

The public hearing concerned the Small Cities Development Program (SCDP) grant. On hand to present information on the application for a new water system and housing project was Chuck Pettipiece, representing Pettipiece and Associates.

The City of Mountain Lake is applying to the SCDP for a $470,000 grant for the water system portion and $526,000 for the housing project portion. The properties in the target area would be eligible for a 10-year loan, of which 80% comes from grant monies, with the remaining 20% would be property owner funding. The grant portion would be forgiven over 10 years if the property owner remains in the home the entire time.

There were no citizen comments at the hearing.

After the hearing was closed and the regular meeting reopened, the council adopted a pair of resolutions. The first declared the City of Mountain Lake as legal sponsor, and authorized the submission of an pplication to the SCDP. The second resolution approved by members adopted the Citizen Participation Plan for the SCDP application.

In other business

* Approved the appointment of Nik Strom to the Planning and Zoning Commission.

* Agreed to waive the rental fee for the Mountain Lake Community Center for the Boy Scouts’ February 16 pancake breakfast. The Troop was represented at the meeting by Troop Leaders Jason Kruser, Dave Watkins, Dan Suess and Shannon Sykes, as well as by Scouts Michael Watkins, Jacob Suess, Ethan Sykes and John McMenimen.

* Heard and reviewed the first reading for three city code animal ordinance changes. The three deal with establishing an overlay district, animal regulation and regulation of potentially dangerous and dangerous dogs and amending sections of Chapter 9 relating to the two previous ordinances chanages.

* Reviewed the 2013 Budget, including revenues and expenses. The final numbers for 2013 will be available after the year-end audit is completed by City auditors.

* Approved not waiving the monetary limits on municipal tort liability in connection with the League of Minnesota Insurance Trust.

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* Agreed to apply for a 2014 Invasive Species grant.

* Learned that representing the council on the compensation study will be Council Members David Savage and Andrew Ysker.

* Approved the December building permits and received the 2013 Building Permit summary.

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