Annual talent showcase held Friday afternoon on B-OPS gymnasium stage
The annual talent showcase of Butterfield-Odin Public School (B-OPS) students – called “Battle of the Bands” – was held Friday afternoon, February 14, on the school’s gymnasium stage. A total of 10 acts strutted their stuff for the audience, which included lip sync presentations, vocal numbers and dance selections. Mistress of ceremonies was Mia Rodriguez with Tristan Schumacher, master of ceremonies.
A fourth-grade student, Victoria Naverrete – was the 2014 winner, selected by crowd approval. She shared the vocal solo made popular by Adele, “Rolling in the Deep.”
Following are photographs of the presenting acts.
FOURTH-GRADE STUDENT Victoria Naverrete won the 2014 edition of “Battle of the Bands” with her vocal solo, “Rolling in the Deep.”
FROM LEFT, SETH Pierson, Jordan Dougherty and Austin Bolte share their lip sync of the song, “I’m Farming and I Grow It.”
THE QUARTET OF, from left, Andrea Cornejo (behind), Kayla Torres, Susan Fast, Destyne Forstrom and Vanessa Rodriguez vocally harmonize on “Neon Lights.”
KRISANA, LEFT, AND Kaliana Xayaphonesongkham declare , “You Rock My World,” with their dance.
KAYLA TORRES, LEFT and Destyne Forstrom, right, join for a vocal duet of “A Thousand Years.”
THE 2013 WINNER, Jennifer Oviedo, returned with another dance presentation, this one, “Dub Step.”
THE NAME FOR their band, “BAAM,” comes by combining the first initial from the first name of each of the group’s members. From left, Aracely Anaya on guitar , Brianna Ringen on drums, lead singer Mia Rodriguez and on bass guitar, Arely Anaya. Their song was “My Own Worst Enemy.”
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THIS QUARTET OF seventh-grade students did a dance and lip-sync to the song, “I’m Sexy and I Know It.” From left, Noemi Castaneda, Kylie Fisch, Peyton Hanson and Ethan Sykes.
“BECAUSE OF YOU” is the song being sung the vocal duet of Susan Fast, left, and Vanessa Rodriguez, right.
A GROUP OF staff members – along with their lead, The Fox, otherwise known as fourth-grade student Sam Stade, front, bring the crowd to their feet as they share their version of the popular YouTube video, “The Fox.” Backing Stade are, from left, Steve Fligge, Dawn Johnson, Brenda Kelly, Dwight Lahti and Tammi Samuelson (behind Stade) and Joyce Bolte.
TAUNTING TEACHER NATHAN Fast, seated, as he read the story of the fox, the farm animals and the farmer/rancher (teacher Christie Olinger), are fellow instructors, Julie Tatro, left, and Dennis Stade, right.
ELEMENTARY STUDENTS CHEER for their favorite “Battle of the Bands” presenters.
VICTORIA NAVARETTE’S PROUD mom was on hand in the audience to present her a bouquet of flowers and take time for a photo op of the winner.