Sub-section runner-up finish sends one-act play to festival at Redwood Valley on Saturday

The one-act play thespians of Mountain Lake Public High School will be engaged in “Livin’ de Life” at the Section 2A Festival this Saturday, February 8, at Redwood Valley Public High School in Redwood Falls. The play will advance by virtue of their runner-up-awarded performance this past Saturday, February 1, at the Sub-Section 9A contest, held at Springfield Public High School.
The winning entry was host Springfield’s presentation of the comedy “Making Nice,” the story of a theater’s beleaguered cast and crew and its dictatorial director.
The top two plays from each of the sections four sub-sections move on to this next step, providing the line-up for the eight-play day-long competition. Mountain Lake is scheduled to be the second presentation of the festival, which kicks off at 10:30 a.m., which places the curtain time at approximately 11:15 a.m. The Springfield production will be the final one-act play given on the day.
“Livin’ de Life” is directed by Julie Brugman, assisted by Crystal Fast. The play is a fairiy tale based on the tales and characters recorded in Joel Chandler Harris’ “The Uncle Remus Tales,” and was adapted and written by Ed Graczyk. In the story, Brer Rabbit, plum tuckered out from caperin’ and prankin’ with Brer Fox and Brer Bear, has lost his zest for such escapades. His friends from the Briar Patch diagnose his troubles as a bad case of “de Mopes,” and persuade him to consult Aunt Mammy Bammy for a cure. To gather the ingredients for Aunt Mammy Bammy’s curin’ potion, Brer Rabbit has to resort to his old tricks, and thus recovers his joy in prankin’ – which is just what Aunt Mammy Bammy intended. As Aunt Mammy Bammy tells the Briar Patch critters – “Live de life ya got. De only worryin’ ya should have is how to make tomorrow better dan today.”
Brer Tarrypin – Zach Fredericksen
Brer Coon – Caleb Rempel
Brer Rabbit – Ben Grev
Brer Fox – Josh Grev
Brer Bear – Sam Grev
Miss Meadows (Mouse) – Carmen Syverson
Aunt Mammy-Bammy – Lydia Hildebrandt
Sis Buzzard – Kalley Rempel
Miss Goose – Olivia Hopwood
Doc Crow – Regan Syverson
Trees – Austin Wallert, Rebekah Klassen and Julian Jung
Lights – Jareya Harder
The trio of judges at sub-section – Sally Burdick of Mankato, Kris Besel of Worthington and Shari Nelson of Bigelow – provided many supportive comments for the cast and directors. A variety of written critiques included the following:
“Costumes are creative and effectively represent each character.”
“Visually – what a fun set! The space was used well. Music and sound effects were good!
“Make-up was well done. Efficient, effective set changes. Consistent dialect. Very impressive trees. Good use of levels. Nice job of blocking this play. Great movement.”
“Fast paced, clever, fun, entertaining and colorful. An enjoyable time – with a message.”
Butterfield-Odin Public High School also participates in contest
Butterfield-Odin Public High School actors also participated in the sub-section festival, presenting “Aesop’s (Oh So Slightly) Updated Fables.” The play was directed by Nathan Fast, the high school’s English teacher.
“Aesop’s (Oh So Slightly) Updated Fables,” by Kim Esop Wylie, with special arrangements by Samuel French, weaves five of Aesop’s most famous fables into a fun and fast-paced show – that is also full of surprises. The five “updated” fables in the play include “The Dog and the Bone,” “The Tortoise and the Hare,” “The Lion and the Mouse,” “The Fox and the Grapes,” “The Miller, His Son And the Donkey” and “The Country Maid.”
Narrator/Reporter/Donkey – Arely Anaya
Dog/Miller – Lamar Sengsouvanh
Butcher – Jose Garcia
Girl/Chicken/Activist – Kaliana Xayaphonesongkham
Pond/Reporter/Woman – Mia Rodriguez
Miss Hare/Mouse – Rose Martinez
Miss Tortoise/Girl/Narrator – Julie Saunders
Narrator/Lion/Fox/Son – Ross Blomgren
Lounge Singer/Old Guy – Wong Lee
Chicken/Donkey – Eddie Perez
Grapes/Maid – Katrina “Kat” Bischoff
Technical Crew – Stephanie Trejo