Through Candyland to the Candy Castle

 B-OHS sophomores, juniors seniors celebrate 2015 prom


Candyland_Game_BoardA trip through Candyland to the Candy Castle was the sweet beginning to the 2015 prom for the sophomores, juniors and seniors of Butterfield-Odin Public High School. (B-OHS) on Saturday evening, May 9.

The actual prom opening act, officially kicking off this year’s activities – a special celebratory photo shoot – was held prior to the Candyland (based on the Hasbro children’s game) Grand March, with the dance following that public event. As the dance ended, prom-goers loaded onto a charter bus for a trip west to Sioux Falls, South Dakota – and a nighttime date at the Sky Zone – an indoor trampoline park – including experiencing weightlessness by bouncing, flipping and landing in a pit filled with 10,000 foam cubes. The group returned to B-OHS around 5 a.m., at which time prizes were handed out.

Class advisors for the prom were Mark Kurseth and Mary Jacobs.

Grand March announcers were Dennis Stade and Nathan Fast.

Following is a photo gallery of the walk through the colored squares path of Candyland:



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ALICIA SAN MIGUEL, right, and her escort, Luiz Orozco, left.


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ALL SMILES WERE Arely Anaya, right, and her date for the evening, Edvin Perez, left.


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ELVIS PRESLEY, LEFT, was seen – in the B-OHS house – with his date, Harley Connell, right. “Backing up” Elvis was Skyler Odegard.


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MEANWHILE, HARLEY’S TWIN sister, Jordyn Connell, right, was easy to recognize as a female Sumo wrestler during the second run-through of the Grand March. At left is Jordyn’s date, Dustin Mickelson.


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MATCHING TUX, TIE, shirt and vest, along with gown – in tones of brown. Calvin Miller, left, and his date, Peyton Benson, right.


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JULIA HIEBERT, RIGHT, and her date, LaMar Sengsouvanh, left.


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TAKING THE ARM of her escort, Trevor Davis, left, was Haley Kaehler, right.


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POSING IN FRONT of the crowd for a photo op were Paul Hanson, left and Glenda Hector, right.


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MAKING THEIR WAY along Candyland’s colored squares path were Jordan Clark, left, and his date, Meghann Bergstrom, right.


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STOPPING ON THE bridge over the Molasses Swamp were Derek Meyer, left, and his date, Chelsea Sykes, right.


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DYLAN HOVDET, LEFT, and Mackenzie Blickem, right, wound their way along the twisting Candyland path in order to cross the bridge.


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SET FOR THE special night were Tristin Schumacher, left and Elizabeth Fuglsang, right.


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JENNIFER OVIEDO, LEFT, and her special escort, Jesus Zuniga, right.


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DECIDING TO TAKE the bridge shortcut were Austin Frederich, left and Shanon Bratland, right.


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CLAD IN MATCHING “tuxes” were Austin Heffele, left and Joseph Janzen, right.


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TIANA SENGCHAN, RIGHT, was escorted by her date, Mark Demuth, left.


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SHARING SOME LAUGHS were Heather Pankratz, left and Krisana Xayaphonesongkham, right.


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ENTERING CANDYLAND BY crossing over the drawbridge were Jose Garcia, left and Rose Sanmiguel, right.


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A SELFIE STICK is a handy invention, stretching out the photo frame space to be able to take a jampacked group selfie.


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THE DAPPERLY-DRESSED Grand March announcers were B-OHS English teacher Nathan Fast, left and B-OHS social studies instructor, Dennis Stade, right.


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MAKING THE LAST Grand March run across Candyland’s colored squares path was Butterfield-Odin Public School Superintendent Lisa Shellum, center, escorted by Dylan Hovdet, left and Derek Meyer, right.


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